Bremerhaven logistics student investigates shock loads during container handling
In order to choose the right form of load securing, companies need to know what accelerations act on the goods during transport. Failure to do so can result in serious damage to the means of transport and the cargo. The respective acceleration values are known for lorries, trains and ships. But what loads act on the goods during container handling? This was investigated by Bremerhaven student Bennet Krause during a project. To do so, he equipped a container with special measuring devices.
Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences extends application deadline for the summer semester
If you would like to start studying at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences in the coming summer semester, you still have until mid-March to decide on a degree programme. The application deadline has been extended until Saturday 15 March. There is a choice of mainly technical and scientific Master's degree programmes in the fields of environment, energy and natural sciences, IT and technology. This year, it is also possible to start the Bachelor's degree programmes in Transport/Logistics, Engineering, Biotechnology of Marine Resources and Foundation, Innovation, Leadership in the summer semester of 2025.
Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and ATM Qness GmbH invites to the ‘Innovation Day’ for materials technology
Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and ATM Qness GmbH invite to lecture hall T001 at the university (Building T, An der Karlstadt 8) on Thursday, 13 March at 9:30 am. At this year's ‘Innovation Day’, they will take participants on a journey into the world of materialography and hardness testing. Anyone interested in materials science and microstructure analysis is welcome to attend.
Who will find Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences the best fit, Ann-Kathrin?
What makes teaching at this university so special for you, Prof. Wagner vom Berg?
What makes research so unique for you at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Bosse?
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All areas of research
Energy and Marine Technology
Life Sciences
Logistic and Information Systems
Tourism and Management
Passionate about research
The university has four research clusters in which it works on a broad range of topics to address the societal challenges of our times.
Discover all four research clusters by clicking on the tabs.
A clear priority in the university's research and development activities is the area of energy and marine technology. A considerable percentage of the university's third-party research funding can be attributed to this area.
Research activities in the life sciences are largely built on the expertise in the study programmes Biotechnology, Food Technology, Medical Technologies and Physician Assistant. Apart from marine research topics ranging from marine microbiology to fisheries biology, application-oriented research in the food sector is also of exceptional importance.
Linking the disciplines of 'logistics' and 'information systems' in one research cluster allows us to conduct applied research to identify, evaluate and realise potential for logistics and related areas. This is how we connect different areas, including such areas as digitalisation and maritime processes.
The research cluster Tourism and Management brings together research in the areas of the international tourism industry (esp. cruise tourism) and general management. In both areas, the focus is primarily on strategic issues and application-oriented, practical research.