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Study programme

Engineering – Automation and Electronics (Automatisierungstechnik - Elektrotechnik) Bachelor of Engineering

Electronics? Mechanical engineering? Informatics? The right mix makes the difference!

Who can imagine the modern world without touchscreens? They are used not only for smartphones or cars. In today's world, even washing machines and refrigerators can be operated using icons on a screen. But it's not just about touchscreens. There is a lot more to ensuring that it is possible, for instance, to read error codes and logs in a modern car, thus greatly simplifying maintenance. This requires sensors and control units in which microcontrollers process the information. It is the interaction of modern sensors and actuators, of modern software and ergonomic operating elements, that makes for good automation. It is this interaction that makes an autopilot in an aircraft or autonomous driving at all possible. The situation is similar in industry. Here, too, great importance is attached to ergonomic operation, maintainability, early error detection and logging. In addition, everything is expected to function autonomously and independently of humans – and preferably fully automatically. It is also a matter of optimising processes and thus saving time and costs. Resource conservation and ecological sustainability also play a major role, as does user-friendliness. But how does that work? How do the classical disciplines of electronic engineering, mechanical engineering and informatics work together? The answers are provided by the Automation and Electronics specialisation.

Why choose this programme

  • Electronic equipment manufacture' is the biggest job driver in Bremerhaven

    According to the survey 'Die größten Jobmotoren in Bremerhaven (2007–2014) (The biggest job drivers in Bremerhaven (2007–2014)) conducted by the Chamber of Employees in Bremen, first place was held by the 'manufacture of electronic equipment'.
  • Strong practical orientation

    The study programme has high practical relevance due to the semester of professional practice in industry in the fifth semester, the internal university project in the sixth semester and the industrial professional practice phase in preparation for the bachelor's thesis.
  • Excellent laboratory equipment

    Our laboratories offer the latest automation systems from renowned automation manufacturers.

Automation engineer

Development, production, commissioning, maintenance and distribution

The combination of engineering mechanics, electronics and informatics is highly relevant and offers excellent career opportunities for students, for instance, in companies in the fields of electronic engineering, precision engineering, medical technology, mechanical and plant engineering or automotive and aircraft construction. Products include, for example, anti-lock braking systems (ABS) and lane departure warning systems (LDW) in automobiles, instrument landing systems (ILS) in aircraft, video systems, intelligent prostheses, infusion pumps, industrial robots and flexibly automated manufacturing systems. The students' education is geared towards taking on tasks in development, production, commissioning, maintenance, service and sales.

Facts about the study programme

  • Degree of Studies

    Bachelor of Engineering
  • Study Form

    Full-time study
  • Term of Admission

  • Term of Admission

    Winter and Summer semester
  • Main Course Language

  • Standard Period of Study

    7 Semester

Hard Skills, Soft Skills and practical know-how

What are the subjects?

Stage 1 of the programme (Grundstudium) deals comprehensively with the fundamentals of the subjects mathematics, physics, engineering mechanics, engineering design, materials science, thermodynamics, informatics, electronics engineering and control engineering. These subjects are accompanied by a practical laboratory course which teaches the practical skills required. Stage 2 of the study programme focuses on imparting specialised knowledge and developing the students' hard skills. This part of the programme moves on to more detailed subjects such as production planning, manufacturing technology, quality management, systems theory, analogue circuit and measurement technology, power electronics, electrical machines, digital signal processing, control and fieldbus technology, and process control engineering and simulation. Here, too, most of these subjects are accompanied by a practical laboratory course which teaches the practical skills required. There are also projects, electives and the professional practice semester. These also deal with practical skills, as well as imparting soft skills and presentation techniques.

Programme overview

Admission and application

Learn more about the study programme

Engineering – Automation and Electronics

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