As a higher education lecturer, you will be responsible for conducting lectures, seminars and/or laboratory sessions, as well as planning, preparation and assessment, depending on teaching requirements. It is also part of your duties to set and mark assignments and examinations. With the expertise you bring to the field, you will enrich the teaching programme at our university.
You will plan your teaching sessions independently in consultation with the professor responsible for the module. To assist you in this area, we offer you support in the methodologies you require for the task, including opportunities to engage in various professional development and training courses. Experienced laboratory staff will be at your side for laboratory sessions.
Lectureships are usually awarded for the duration of one semester. The lectureship is carried out within the framework of a legal relationship under public law (independent employment relationship).
The teaching content to be fulfilled and the forms of assessment are specified in the module handbooks and in the respective programmes of study and degree regulations. You can find the documents for the each of the study programmes on our website.
Is teaching a work of the heart for you? Do you want to share your knowledge with our students?
Our seaside university has already received numerous awards for its innovative teaching and learning approaches. We offer you a variety of opportunities to bring your real-world experience into the education setting, to gain valuable experience in imparting knowledge and also to further develop your teaching skills. Whether you already have extensive teaching experience or are taking your first professional steps in the field of education, you can join forces with us to explore new horizons.
In addition, you can lay an important foundation for your pathway towards a professorship at a university of applied sciences by taking up a lectureship at our university. Let our enthusiasm inspire you!
The remuneration for a lectureship at our university varies depending on the type and scope of the assignment and, in accordance with the Rectorate Resolution of 21 March 2022, is based on the 'Ordinance on the Remuneration of Secondary Employment of Civil Servants in the Bremen Public Service' (Verordnung über die Vergütung von Nebentätigkeiten der Beamten im bremischen öffentlichen Dienst, BremNVO) in the current version. Payment is calculated according to the individual hours actually worked that are eligible for remuneration. You will receive a flat rate for each workload hour, which already covers preparation, follow-up and the assessment tasks associated with a course/contact hour.
Travel and accommodation costs can be separately reimbursed.
The scope of a lectureship is a maximum of 9 workload/contact hours per week (9 Semesterwochenstunden: 9 SWS). The module coordinators and/or the deans of studies will discuss with you individually the extent to which you will teach, which will depend on our needs and your personal preferences.
In addition to conducting lectures, the lecturers' activities also include all associated tasks such as the preparation and follow-up of teaching units, the preparation, implementation and evaluation of examinations and other assessments and, if necessary, participation in meetings.
Take a look at our current employment opportunities to see if there is a lectureship suited to you. If there are currently no (suitable) lectureships being advertised, please feel free to submit a speculative application!
The basic prerequisites for taking on a lectureship at our university include having completed a degree at a higher education institution (at least a bachelor's degree for the bachelor's degree programmes, at least a master's degree for the master's degree programmes) and having at least three years of professional experience following graduation.
A doctorate or previous teaching experience is beneficial, but not essential.
After we receive your application documents online, we carefully review them and compare them with our current teaching requirements.
If we have an opening for you, our module coordinators will arrange a brief introductory meeting with you (in person or online). If we do not currently have any teaching requirements in your area, we will gladly include your details in our lecturers pool for a period of two years and may contact you at a later date.
As a lecturer, you have access to a range of professional development opportunities both in person and online. For example, there are courses that prepare you for teaching, that train you in the use of innovative teaching methods or that deal with topical issues (e.g. AI in teaching). The sessions take place with professors and academic staff at the university and offer you a good opportunity to network within the university.
We are happy to support you with individual career counselling and external individual coaching should you, in your role as a lecturer, be interested in a career path towards a professorship at a university of applied sciences (HAW). Your contact person ist Sabine Seemann.
In addition, we will inform you about special events related to careers. We also provide suitable opportunities for anyone who would like to network or wishes to work specifically on their career.
If you are interested in completing a doctorate at our university while working as a lecturer, we will be happy to give you individual advice.