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Students plan campaign for International Day against Racism

To mark the day against racism, committed students from the peer-to-peer programme StudiTalk want to set an example in cooperation with the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Diversity. For one week, they are placing pinboards in front of the cafeteria (ground floor of House K) and in front of the library (ground floor of House S) and calling on members of the university to share their experiences and wishes.


Science Senator honours Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences for its successful gender equality

To mark the great success of the state of Bremen's universities in the Female Professors Programme 2030, the Senator for the Environment, Climate and Science invited the universities to the town hall. Together with Dr Annette Steinich from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, she awarded Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, the University of Bremen and Bremen University of Applied Sciences the title of "University with Strong Gender Equality".


International exchange in the field of renewable energies

The expansion of wind energy is not only an important step towards the energy transition in Germany. Other countries are also focussing on the use of renewable energies. Everyone benefits from the exchange of experienced experts. Carsten Fichter travelled to Groningen in January for three guest lectures. At the partner university Hanzehogeschool, he worked with Bachelor's and Master's students on current topics in the field of onshore and offshore wind energy and hydrogen technology.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences seeks contemporary witnesses for anniversary publication

50 years of expanding horizons - this is the motto under which Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is celebrating its anniversary this year. The University Communications Department is looking for people who have special memories of the ‘University by the Sea’. Anyone who has a personal story to tell about the university can send an email to or a letter to Hochschule Bremerhaven, Isabelle Epplé, An der Karlstadt 8, 27568 Bremerhaven by Friday, 4 April.


How do I become a HAW professor?

A professorship at a university of applied sciences (HAW/FH) offers interesting career paths for young academics. But how do I become a professor at a UAS? What are the requirements and what should I bear in mind when applying? Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and Bremen University of Applied Sciences will answer these questions at a joint information event on Wednesday 26 March at 2:30 pm in the event hall of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences invites parents to an information evening

When their child wants to study, parents often have a lot of questions. How does studying work? What degree programmes are there? And what does it all cost? Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences has the answers and invites you to an information evening for parents and prospective students on Wednesday 26 March at 6 p.m. in lecture hall T001 (Building T, An der Karlstadt 8, Bremerhaven). Further information and registration at


Opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence in medicine

Artificial intelligence is an integral part of many areas of everyday life. It can also help in medicine, for example to filter out correlations between symptoms and diseases from medical data and make treatment recommendations. But what happens when only small amounts of data are available? Can AI then still work at all? Professor Dr Klaus Eickel from Bremerhaven discussed this with thirty international scientists at the three-day scoping workshop ‘Data Augmentation and Imputation Methods for Health Data’ in Hanover.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences commissions additional PV system

The energy sector is one of the main sources of harmful greenhouse gases. It is therefore particularly important to switch to renewable energies in order to achieve climate targets. Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is also working towards climate neutrality and is endeavouring to cover as much of its electricity requirements as possible from solar energy. As a further step, the photovoltaic system on the roof of Building Z has now been put into operation.


Rethinking wind energy technology and maritime technologies

Despite excellent job prospects, the number of students on technical degree programmes is falling throughout Germany. As a result, the wind energy sector is also facing major challenges in recruiting the skilled labour urgently needed for expansion. In an interview with Landesverband Erneuerbare Energien Niedersachsen/Bremen e.V., Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Fichter and student mentor Etienne Büchner talk about the visibility of the degree programmes, career opportunities and studying at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences.


Bremerhaven logistics student investigates shock loads during container handling

In order to choose the right form of load securing, companies need to know what accelerations act on the goods during transport. Failure to do so can result in serious damage to the means of transport and the cargo. The respective acceleration values are known for lorries, trains and ships. But what loads act on the goods during container handling? This was investigated by Bremerhaven student Bennet Krause during a project. To do so, he equipped a container with special measuring devices.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences extends application deadline for the summer semester

If you would like to start studying at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences in the coming summer semester, you still have until mid-March to decide on a degree programme. The application deadline has been extended until Saturday 15 March. There is a choice of mainly technical and scientific Master's degree programmes in the fields of environment, energy and natural sciences, IT and technology. This year, it is also possible to start the Bachelor's degree programmes in Transport/Logistics, Engineering, Biotechnology of Marine Resources and Foundation, Innovation, Leadership in the summer semester of 2025.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and ATM Qness GmbH invites to the ‘Innovation Day’ for materials technology

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and ATM Qness GmbH invite to lecture hall T001 at the university (Building T, An der Karlstadt 8) on Thursday, 13 March at 9:30 am. At this year's ‘Innovation Day’, they will take participants on a journey into the world of materialography and hardness testing. Anyone interested in materials science and microstructure analysis is welcome to attend.


University graduates nominated for prestigious UX Design Award

Anyone who moves to a new city knows the problem: what can you do at the weekend? And above all: with whom? Nora Schmieder, Vanessa Landow and Max Böttcher were also faced with this question when they came to Bremerhaven for their studies. As part of their bachelor's thesis in the Digital Media Production degree programme, they have now developed the social media app ‘LeMee’, which aims to connect people in real life. The jury of the UX Design Award has nominated this concept for the prestigious design prize in the ‘New Talent’ category. Voting is still possible until 25 February at


Well-informed doctorate with doctoral counselling

A doctorate is a prerequisite for an academic career. However, getting there is not always easy. If you want to do a doctorate, you have to find a topic and a supervisor and think about funding. At Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, doctoral students are not alone with their questions. Dr Janosik Herder offers advice for anyone interested in doing a doctorate.


Reducing CO2 and waste with customised packaging

Anyone who orders goods online is probably familiar with the surprise when opening a parcel: The outer packaging is often far too large and the contents are protected by large amounts of filling material. This is not particularly sustainable. Tim Stadtlander, a logistics graduate from Bremerhaven, addressed this problem in his bachelor's thesis. He has developed a packaging solution for SIKO GmbH that is optimised for the product range. According to forecasts, this could lead to a significant improvement in the company's carbon footprint.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences bids farewell to its graduates

Together with their friends and families, the graduates from both faculties of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences celebrated their graduation. The traditional hat toss at the end of the event was a must.


Bremerhaven student Ulrich Kameni Ngango Veigne receives DAAD prize

Ulrich Kameni Ngango Veigne's interest in the language led him from Cameroon to Clausthal-Zellerfeld for a German course. Good contacts with people who can help with questions, language barriers and challenges have helped him time and again. As a student in Bremerhaven, he therefore volunteers to help international students who are new to Germany and need to familiarise themselves with the foreign culture and language. The student has now been honoured by the German Academic Exchange Service with the DAAD prize for his outstanding commitment.


Register for Girls‘ and Boys’ Day at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

If girls and boys are sitting in front of their mobile phone, tablet and PC screens early in the morning during this year's winter holidays, it's not necessarily because of TikTok, SnapChat and the like. Because on Monday, 3 February, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences will open its Future Day programme between 8:30 and 9 am. Interested students can then secure one of the coveted places in the laboratories of the university by the sea. For organisational reasons, registration is only possible online.


More practice for young healthcare professionals

How do you insert an infusion or a feeding tube? And what needs to be taken into account during an injection so that the needle doesn't break? If you want to work in a healthcare profession, you should first practise on medical models rather than directly on patients. The Skills Lab at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences makes this possible for prospective school leavers from the vocational secondary school for health and social work at the Max-Eyth-Schule Schiffdorf. Injections and blood sampling were recently on the curriculum.


‘More than alone": Student film team seeks protagonists for documentary film

A project team from the ‘Digital Media Production’ degree programme at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is currently working on a documentary film about the growing phenomenon of loneliness in Generation Z. The students are looking for young people in the Bremen and Bremerhaven area who are willing to talk openly about their loneliness in front of the camera.


Students present their project work at the ‘Day of Computer Science’

Once again this year, the Computer Science, Business Informatics and Digitalisation, Innovation and Information Management degree programmes at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences are inviting all interested parties to the ‘Computer Science Day’. On Thursday, 30 January, from 9:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the university's event room (House T, Room 002, An der Karlstadt 8), you can marvel at student project work. Participation in the event is free of charge and no prior registration is required. Translated with (free version)


Expanding horizons for 50 years: Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences celebrates its anniversary

There is a reason to celebrate: Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is 50 years old and is organising various events throughout the year. ‘Our anniversary is not just an opportunity for us to look back. We are also looking forward to many more decades of shaping the development of the region with innovative ideas and enthusiasm. I look forward to welcoming all interested parties to our campus,’ says Rector Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Alexis Papathanassis.


Blue Economy as an opportunity for India?

The maritime industry is a promising economic sector that is of interest to many countries. India would also like to become more involved in the business of shipbuilding, logistics and cruise tourism in the future. International expert Prof Dr Dr h.c. Alexis Papathanassis was recently invited by the Indian government to speak at a special conference.


Well-informed decision for a degree programme

Attention prospective students! Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences invites you to Campus Day 2025 on Tuesday, 28 January from 9 am to 2 pm. The programme includes guided campus tours, open labs, taster lectures and short keynote speeches on current topics from research and teaching. In addition, information stands for the degree programmes will provide plenty of space for individual questions. Prior registration is not necessary.


29 students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences receive Deutschlandstipendium scholarship

29 students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences have been honoured with the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship at a scholarship award ceremony. In addition to a monthly grant of 300 euros, half of which is financed by the federal government and half by the donors, the scholarship holders also receive non-material support, for example in matters relating to their professional future.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences provides information about Master's programmes

Have you completed your Bachelor's degree and are now looking for the right Master's programme? Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences invites prospective students to a digital information event about the Master's programme. On Wednesday, 15 January, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., applicant manager Sonja Puncken-Kassen and the heads of degree programmes will answer questions about the degree programmes and studying at the university via BigBlueButton.


Changed opening hours of the library

From 16 to 20 December, the Bremerhaven Branch Library will only be open as a place of learning. The branch library will be closed from 23 December to 01 January inclusive. Media will not be due during this period. The return box cannot be used.


Winter break in the mensa and cafeteria

The canteen and cafeteria at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences will also be closed during the winter break. The last day the Bremerhaven cafeteria is open is 16 December until 2 pm. It will reopen on 10 January. Mensa Bremerhaven will be open until 20 December at 13:30 and will reopen on 6 January.


Significant cost reduction through small changes

High energy prices are not only a problem for private households, but also for many companies. Profits are significantly reduced, especially for industries whose consumption is very high due to production. As part of his Bachelor's thesis in the Engineering programme at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and on behalf of the management consultancy Lixcon GmbH & Co. KG, Ahmad Elouli examined the question of how a large bakery can reduce its energy consumption.


Healthy and sustainable omega-3 fatty acids from algae

Omega-3 fatty acids are of great importance for human health, including for brain and kidney function and blood pressure. One form is eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which can be obtained sustainably from microalgae. Researchers at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences are working together with JoMaa Algae Farm Rockstedt and the company Henry Lamotte Oils to make the production of sustainable algae oil possible in the region. In the ‘Algae EPA’ project, they are investigating various types of microalgae.


Inclusive studying and working on an accessible campus

The International Day of Disabled Persons on 3 December aims to draw attention to the needs of people with disabilities. This is because they still encounter problems in everyday life, partly because they are not taken into account during construction work. Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences has been working for many years to ensure that its students and employees with disabilities are able to participate. In addition to compensating for disadvantages and providing counselling services, dedicated members of the university are working to make the campus as accessible as possible.


First graduate of the part-time Offshore Wind Energy MBA

If you work in the offshore wind industry and would like to expand your management skills, you can do so as part of a further education programme. Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences has developed the Offshore Wind Energy MBA in co-operation with the Business Academy South West in Esbjerg. The first graduate has now graduated from the Danish university.


Logistics does not stop at the German border

In a globalised world, it is important to be able to deal with cultural peculiarities and different approaches to business matters. Stays abroad during the degree programme allow students to gain relevant experience before starting their careers. A special excursion has now been undertaken by 26 students on the Transport/Logistics degree programme. They travelled to Japan to gain an insight into local logistics.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences mourns the loss of honorary citizen Brunhild Ritzenhoff

Brunhild Ritzenhoff was committed to Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences for many years. As a member of the Cuxhaven district council, the Green politician campaigned for the educational institution to be recognised as a driver of innovation in the region. Brunhild Ritzenhoff passed away on 8 November 2024 at the age of 85.


When carbon atoms collide with biscuits

Swinging rotor blades, yawning shift workers, sugar-eating microorganisms - if you want to experience the diversity of the scientific landscape in Bremerhaven, you shouldn't miss the Science Slam. It's happening again on Thursday, 21 November at 7 pm. In the former Apollo cinema at Georgstraße 73, six scientists will compete against each other in exciting short presentations and vie for the audience's favour.


A second life for wind turbines?

The first ‘green’ mine is to be built in Namibia, where climate-neutral hydrogen produced on site will be used to manufacture sponge iron. As part of his master's thesis Tido Hagen investigated whether wind turbines could be operated economically there alongside photovoltaics. This also involved the question of whether older systems from Germany could help with the conversion.


Students from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences tinker at ITQ Makeathon on Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria is probably the first place most people associate with sun, beaches and holidays. But for a group of students from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, four days of intensive work instead of relaxation awaited them. Under the motto of event founder Dr Rainer Stetter, ‘Smart Green Island’, this year's ITQ Makeathon transformed the island into a laboratory for the participants at the Infecar exhibition centre in Las Palmas. The group was accompanied by Andreas Menslage and Claas Schott, scientific and technical staff from the Engineering, Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technologies and Embedded Systems Design degree programmes.


Annual academic reception at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences focuses on the future of universities of applied sciences

How can universities do justice to their various interest groups? What do they have to offer in order not to lose their raison d'être? And how can they deal with the current social challenges? These were the questions addressed at this year's Annual Academic Reception at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences under the motto ‘The Future of Universities of Applied Sciences - Back to Basics?’. This year's event was once again jointly organised by Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and the Verein zur Förderung der Hochschule Bremerhaven e.V. (Association for the Promotion of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences).


New name and new focus for Bremerhaven Computer Science Master's programme

Anyone interested in IT security will be able to obtain a Master's degree in this subject area at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences in the future. From the summer semester of 2025, the degree programme ‘Computer Science - Trustworthy Systems’ (IVS) will be accepting students. It will replace the previous computer science master's degree in ‘Digitalisation, Innovation and Information Management’ (DIIM).


A celebration of amateur music

The Bremen State Music Council invites you to the orchestra festival in the centre of Bremerhaven on Sunday, 10 November 2024, from 11 am to 8:30 pm. From 12.30 pm, the event hall at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences (House T, Room 002) will also become a stage for the amateur music scene. Anyone interested is cordially invited to the free event.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and Graubünden University of Applied Sciences lay the foundation for cooperation

Sea and mountains, theory and practice: what at first glance could hardly be more contrasting is soon to provide students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and the Swiss University of Applied Sciences Graubünden with an even better education. The two institutions are currently working together on a collaboration that will include joint courses as well as traditional stays abroad. The first students are expected to be able to complete their semester abroad in Graubünden in the winter semester of 2025/26.


Student company neuraflow wins the Smart Country Startup Award 2024

This year's Smart Country Startup Award in the GovTech category goes to the Bremerhaven-based company neuraflow GmbH. Founders Dustin Klepper and Pascal Nobereit, who are studying Start-up, Innovation, Leadership at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, were honoured for their innovative idea of using artificial intelligence to drive digitalisation in the public sector. In addition to the prize money of 5,000 euros, their company will also receive free membership of the digital association Bitcom.


Training specialists and teachers together with companies

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences relies on cooperation with regional businesses to provide its students with practical training. One success factor here is cooperation in the area of teaching, for example through teaching assignments, cooperative professorships and tandem positions. The ‘BeProf@BHV’ project is now inviting interested employers to the event ‘Business meets university - working together to develop specialists and teaching staff’ on Thursday, 14 November, from 10:30 am to 1 pm in event room T002 to highlight opportunities for cooperation based on best practice examples. An optional campus tour with laboratory visits will be offered at 9.15 am.


buten un binnen: Weekly series accompanies female students at the start of their studies

How does it feel to start studying? Where is a good place to live and what is the party scene like? The new weekly series of the regional magazine programme buten un binnen deals with these and other questions. A film team accompanied two first-year students from the universities of Bremerhaven and Bremen as they started out in student life. The series will be broadcast until the end of the week. The first two episodes are already available online.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences team wins special prize at ECOTROPHELIA 2024 in Paris with ‘OPOKE’

A healthy and balanced breakfast is essential for a good start to the day. Students Berna Gayret, Jovana Komlenic, Christian Dielmann and Saskia Trompell from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences have developed a biscuit that is rich in fibre and plant-based proteins and contains no artificial additives. They have now won the Entrepreneurship Spirit Award at the 25th anniversary edition of the ECOTROPHELIA Europe ideas competition. Student teams from all over Europe have been competing against each other with their innovative and sustainable food products in the competition, which has been held annually since 2008. Translated with (free version)


Student documentary film ‘Together’ successful at film festivals

A student film team from the Digital Media Production degree programme at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences already has reason to celebrate at the start of the festival season. Their documentary film ‘Together’ has been honoured at film festivals in Paris and Mannheim.


‘neuraflow’ honoured with the “Motor of the North” innovation award

With their start-up ‘neuraflow’, Bremerhaven students Dustin Klepper and Pascal Nobereit want to make municipalities and companies more digital with the help of artificial intelligence. They have now received the innovation award from the Powerhouse Nord regional alliance.


Lecture and discussion on sustainability in computer science

The ‘Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung' (Forum Computer Scientists for Peace and Social Responsibility) and computer science lecturers at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences invite you to the FIfF Conference 2024 from 25 to 27 October. This year's focus topic ‘Sustainability in Computer Science’ will include the design of sustainable hardware and software as well as the role of IT projects in achieving sustainability goals. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend public presentations on Friday, 25 October and Saturday, 26 October at 6 p.m. in lecture hall T001 (Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Building T, Room 001, An der Karlstadt 8). Further information at


University on TV: Student film ‘White Cherry’ celebrates cinema premiere

Bremerhaven students Julian Otten, Joram Hartmann and Thomas Neubronner have made a feature film for their bachelor's thesis in the Digital Media Production degree programme. The premiere attracted not only film enthusiasts, but also a team from ‘Buten un Binnen’ to the cinema.


Sustainable shunting operations at the port

Converting shunting operations to renewable energies would be an important step towards making port operations more sustainable and climate-friendly. In the ‘sH2unter@ports’ research project, six companies and research institutions have joined forces to investigate the potential use of alternative fuels in shunting locomotives. They recently presented their findings to a large audience of experts at the Port of Hamburg, hosted by project partner Hamburg Port Authority.Converting shunting operations to renewable energies would be an important step towards making port operations more sustainable and climate-friendly. In the ‘sH2unter@ports’ research project, six companies and research institutions have joined forces to investigate the potential use of alternative fuels in shunting locomotives. They recently presented their findings to a large audience of experts at the Port of Hamburg, hosted by project partner Hamburg Port Authority.


Prof Dr Peter Ritzenhoff is one of the ‘100 decisive minds of the science scene’

The editors of Research.Table have selected Bremerhaven university professor Dr Peter Ritzenhoff as one of the most decisive personalities in science. The award recognises his commitment to knowledge transfer, especially in the exchange with SMEs. ‘I feel very honoured and thank Research.Table for including me in this honourable circle,’ said the former Vice-Chancellor and Rector of the university.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences welcomes 612 new students

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences welcomed its new students at a festive welcome event in the city theatre. ‘Student life means freedom, but also personal responsibility. Enjoy your time here, make friends, celebrate and organise your day, but don't forget why you are here: to study, develop skills and competencies and perhaps become a better version of yourself’. With these words, Rector Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Alexis Papathanassis welcomed the new students and shared personal memories of his student life with them in his welcoming speech.


Student feature film ‘White Cherry’ celebrates its cinema premiere

A crime thriller ‘made in Bremerhaven’: Bremerhaven students Julian Otten, Joram Hartmann and Thomas Neubronner have made a feature film for their bachelor's thesis in the Digital Media Production degree programme. Their work ‘White Cherry’ is now celebrating its cinema premiere as part of the orientation week at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. All interested parties are invited to the screening on Friday, 11 October at 2 pm at Cinemotion Bremerhaven (Karlsburg 1). The number of seats is limited. To register, please send an email to


University professor Benjamin Wagner vom Berg honoured with Green Focus Award

How can the transport and logistics sector be organised in such a way that climate neutrality can be achieved in the long term? Prof Dr Benjamin Wagner vom Berg from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences has been working on this question for many years. With his great commitment to sustainability in logistics and the ports of Bremen, he has now won over the renowned jury of the Green Focus Award. He accepted the award in the commitment category at the ‘Envoconnect 2024’ sustainability congress in Bremerhaven.


MINTensiv university autumn holiday programme for girls takes place again

Under the motto ‘Science and much more’, the ‘MINTensiv University’ holiday taster programme will take place at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences from 16 to 18 October from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. for interested schoolgirls in grades 6 to 8. The participants are offered three varied days with technical workshops and a supporting programme. The cost, including lunch and drinks, is 30 euros. The registration deadline is Friday, 11 October.


Added value through cooperation

Practical concepts for climate-friendly tourism: this is what the tourism company im-jaich and Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences are working on. This cooperation was launched as part of study projects and subsequently continued in joint research projects. The new video in the ‘Added value through cooperation’ series shows what the collaboration looks like.


Start of the mint:pink career guidance project for schoolgirls

This year's round of the ‘mint:pink’ career guidance programme in Bremerhaven starts on Wednesday, 25 September 2024. The abbreviation ‘MINT’ in the project name stands for the fields of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology. Over the course of the current school year, 24 ninth-grade girls are taking part in workshops at six companies and at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences.


Lecturers at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences are committed to responsible and sustainable computer science

Whether artificial intelligence or digitalisation: information technologies have long been part of many people's everyday lives. However, not everything that is technically possible has positive effects. Computer science professor Dr Karin Vosseberg has been working for around 40 years to ensure that the possibilities of IT and its impact on society are critically scrutinised. With the ‘Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung’ (FIFF), she is now inviting all interested parties to attend lectures and workshops at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences as part of the FIFF conference on 25 and 26 October.


Energy transition and service go hand in hand

What challenges does the service market for wind energy technology face? And what are the future trends in this area? Prof.-Dr.-Ing. Carsten Fichter answered these questions for Deutsche Windtechnik AG.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences mourns the loss of founding father Prof Heinz Cepok

Prof Heinz Cepok taught as a captain with the patent ‘Kapitän auf Großer Fahrt’ at the Bremen Nautical College and was involved in the founding of the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences in the 1970s. He worked there until 1983 as a professor in the mathematics and information technology subjects of the business and supply engineering and transport engineering degree programmes. Captain Heinz Cepok was a university lecturer who was highly valued by students and colleagues for his commitment and reliability. He passed away at the age of 91.


Check-up for your bike

Once again this year, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrradclub Bremerhaven (ADFC) and Bremerhaven City Council are organising a joint bike check day. On Wednesday, 18 September, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., bicycle enthusiasts can have their lights, brakes, tyres and much more checked free of charge in front of the ‘Bike Box’ on the university campus (An der Karlstadt 8, between House V and House M). In addition, the ADFC will be offering bicycle coding for a fee. The event is taking place as part of European Mobility Week 2024.


Researchers at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences are working on trout feed from local resources

Mealworms and algae oil could make aquaculture more sustainable Aquaculture has been the fastest growing sector in food production worldwide for years and could make a significant contribution to food security for future generations. However, feeding fishmeal is not optimal either economically or ecologically. In the ‘LokaLaStern’ project, researchers at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences therefore want to develop a nutrient-optimised feed for trout that comes entirely from regional sources.


Prof Dr Benjamin Wagner vom Berg nominated for Green Focus Award

University lecturer and scientist Prof Dr Benjamin Wagner vom Berg has been nominated for the Green Focus Award in the ‘Commitment’ category. This year, for the first time, bremenports is honouring a person who has shown particular commitment to the topic of ‘sustainability in the ports of Bremen’. The winners in this and two other categories will be announced during the award ceremony at ENVOCONNECT 2024 on 19 September in the Klimahaus Bremerhaven. Translated with (free version)


Will AI take over the quality assurance of software tests?

How is software tested in German-speaking countries? And how do people who do this define their role? Are there process steps and tasks that are performed by artificial intelligence? The initiators of the fourth online survey ‘Software testing in practice and research’ want to find out this and more. One of them is Prof Dr Karin Vosseberg from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. The computer scientist is particularly keen to find out how practitioners and researchers see the future of software development and which trends will continue or be replaced by new ones. You can take part anonymously until 30 September 2024. The results will be presented in December. Vosseberg presents findings from over 13 years of surveys in a vodcast.


Investigate with Sherlock Holmes in materials technology!

Components often fail during operation without any externally visible damage. But who was the culprit? Prof. Dr Bettina Camin from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences sheds some light on the subject: her lecture ‘Sherlock Holmes in materials technology’ from 3 August 2024 at the Haus der Wissenschaft can now be viewed online on YouTube.


"We need to pull together institutionally when it comes to child protection"

18 years ago, two-year-old Kevin died under the care of the Bremen Youth Welfare Office. The cost-cutting plans beforehand, the lack of cooperation between the stakeholders and the processes afterwards - in light of new cost-cutting measures, what made headlines nationwide at the time was discussed again at the first state-wide ‘Cooperation and dialogue in child protection’ symposium at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. 150 experts from youth welfare, healthcare, schools and the police came together at the invitation of Senator Dr Claudia Schilling. The keynote speeches were given by Prof Dr Michael Böwer from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and Dr Thomas Meysen, SOCLES Institute in Heidelberg.


Owl picture with Greek symbolism for the rector

It is a special kind of cooperation: as part of the ‘Farben Rausch’ exhibition by Bremerhaven artists Marcel Asendorf and Mucki Rose, artworks are currently being created for Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences in Haus Glüsing (Fährstraße 21, Bremerhaven). The first painting, entitled ‘Relief’, was recently presented to the Rector Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Alexis Papathanassis.


Hydrogen - a new star on the horizon?

Green hydrogen is seen as an important building block for the energy transition. But is that really the case? Or are there areas in which the use of hydrogen is not the optimal solution? Prof Dr Casten Fichter gave an insight into the current state of research. His presentation is available online.


Business administration student makes bicycle friendliness the topic of her final thesis

How bike-friendly is Bremerhaven? And what do other cities do differently - and perhaps even better? This is what business administration student Helen Deepe focussed on in her bachelor's thesis. She analysed the cycling situation in Kiel and Bremerhaven and spoke to experts. The result is a catalogue of ideas on how transport planning could make the switch to bikes more attractive.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences students nominated for international UX Design Award

Germany's culture is characterised by a wide variety of dialects. But fewer and fewer people speak them. The three students Inja Cosma Böhlken, Emilie Seidl and Elias Stepie from the Digital Media Production degree programme have developed a prototype app that allows users to learn dialects. This has now been nominated for the international UX Design Award. Voting is open until 22 August.


Glowing cells and ocean energy at the Science Mile

The Science Mile at the Maritime Days promises science and interesting facts to discover, research and enquire about. Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and other Bremerhaven institutions will be presenting themselves in the car park of the Chamber of Employees. On Friday, 16 August 2024 and Saturday, 17 August 2024, there will be different programme items from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences brings students and the regional wind energy industry together

In times of energy crisis, the expansion of renewable energies is of enormous importance. The high demand for skilled labour is offset by a shortage of qualified young talent. Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences provides training for this important sector. It brings its students on the Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technologies and Wind Energy Technology degree programmes as well as the Maritime Technologies specialisation in the Engineering degree programme together with companies in the region.


On your marks, get set, go: starting signal for the 18th International Summer School

This year's International Summer School at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences kicked off with a handcart race. Almost 30 students from 14 countries came to the seaside city to spend two weeks critically reflecting on global economic, social and technological challenges and working on solutions in workshops and seminars. The International Summer School 2024 is dedicated to the late founders Atie and Wout Siddré.


Students chat with Bremerhaven residents for magazine

How do people live in Bremerhaven and what stories can they tell? This is what students on the Digital Media Production programme at the university asked themselves. In their "Editorial Design" seminar, they spoke to 17 people from Bremerhaven. They tell their biographies in the student magazine "Schnack".


How we learn to love beer, broccoli and bitters

Why does coriander taste soapy to some people? And to what extent is our sense of taste a vital safety mechanism? Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Buchecker, an expert in food sensory science at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, answers these and other fascinating questions in the ZEIT WISSEN podcast "We can consciously change our taste".


Researchers at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences are working on software for climate-friendly goods delivery

Online retail is booming - and with it the number of delivery vehicles bringing goods directly to the door is also increasing. In the Green Delivery Analytics (GDA) project, researchers from the Smart Mobility Institute (SMI) at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences (project coordinator) are working with project partner Rytle X Group SE to develop a data-based analysis tool that can be used to make this so-called ‘last-mile delivery’ in Germany's eighty largest cities both climate-friendly and economical. The project is being funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV) with a total of 1,950,000 euros as part of the mFUND innovation initiative.


What is delaying the expansion of renewable energies?

Wind energy is an important building block for achieving climate neutrality in Germany. However, expansion is stalling. In order to find out which characteristics have a positive or negative influence on the realisation of wind farms, the research team at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences conducted a survey with experts as part of the WindGISKI joint project. This should help artificial intelligence (AI) to evaluate areas and thus predict the prospects of success of a wind energy project. The initial results of the survey have now been published.


Clarissa Böhme's contribution to the Aqua2024 conference

Aqua2024 in Copenhagen is a conference focussing on the topic of sustainable aquaculture. Clarissa Böhme, a student from Bremerhaven, will be presenting the results of her bachelor's thesis in a lecture. In her research, she investigated the growth rate of an algae species on miniature shellfish towers at different salinities and levels of the shellfish tower.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences opens doors for international summer school

After the corona break, it's time for the next round - Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences will welcome international students to the International Summer School from 3 to 17 August. Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Gerhard Feldmeier is organising the 18th Summer School for the last time and is looking forward to welcoming the students. This year's event is dedicated to the late founders Atie and Wout Siddré.


From the lab to field trials

Putting theory into practice - that was the aim of the Maritime Technologies workshop. Prof. Dr Axel Bochert travelled to Helgoland with eleven of his students from the Engineering degree course specialising in Maritime Technologies to test the functionality of their own project work in realistic sea operations. Fridjof Forthaus, one of the students, describes the workshop as an opportunity to think outside the box.


Apply now: Germany Scholarship starts the next round

300 euros per month for performance and commitment - this is the motto under which Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is once again awarding Germany Scholarships to particularly talented and committed students this year. The application deadline is 15 August 2024, 16:00.


Stronger than ever together - Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and Seier Holding GmbH & Co. KG continue their co-operation

Training and retaining specialists and managers for the regional economy - that is the aim of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. In order to qualify its students even better for higher positions and to offer them even greater practical relevance, it has set up two practice-integrated dual study programmes. Seier Holding GmbH & Co. KG was the first company to decide in favour of a cooperation with the university in the business administration degree course (practice-integrated dual). Now Seier Holding GmbH & Co. KG has now successfully filled a position for students for the second time for the summer semester 2024.


"Perspective" is the word of the year for Kari Rohloff

As every year, the German Student Union's poster competition took place again this year. 518 students from 45 state or state-recognised universities submitted 939 posters - and among the best 29 was the poster by Bremerhaven student Kari Rohloff. She studies Digital Media Production at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and travelled to Berlin for the award ceremony.


Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences want to make citizen services more digital

Long waiting times in telephone loops and confusing websites: People who need an appointment at the citizen service centre, are looking for the right contact person or don't know how to apply for a passport often have to be patient. Students Dustin Klepper and Pascal Nobereit from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences want to use artificial intelligence to make local authorities and companies more digital and fit for the future. With their start-up "neuraflow", they are developing chatbots, among other things, and have already won over the first cities as customers.


Graduates from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences deal with the flood of information

In times of social media and internet flat rates, huge amounts of unfiltered messages land on users' smartphones every day. This can lead to concentration problems and excessive demands. But how should you deal with everything that appears in your newsfeed? Bremerhaven university graduates Justin Kempke and Tom Jansen asked themselves which topics occupy people and for how long. For their media project "AYR 2023", they analysed Google search queries from the year 2023.


Prof. Dr Dr.hc Alexis Papathanassis nominated as University Manager of the Year

The Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) has nominated Prof. Dr Dr.hc Alexis Papathanassis, Rector of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, as "University Manager of the Year 2024". This makes him one of the 10 per cent of more than 400 rectors and presidents who have a chance of winning this award.


BWL - Students analyse the impact of posters for regional customers

A fire brigade football team and an expectant mother: the poster motifs designed by business administration students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences could hardly be more different. To find out how they are perceived, they carried out an advertising effectiveness study as part of their course. As a co-operation partner, the company Ströer provided poster sites throughout Bremerhaven for this purpose. This year, Lord Mayor Melf Grantz once again took on the patronage of the project.


Studying at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences after training

Anyone who has completed a three-year apprenticeship can also study at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences without an Abitur or Fachabitur. The possible subjects depend on the training occupation. A list of examples can be found at The Enrolment and Examination Office will answer individual queries by email at


Graduates celebrate their successful graduation

150 students successfully completed their Bachelor's or Master's degree programme at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences at the end of the summer semester. Many of them celebrated this with their families, fellow students and professors on campus. University Rector Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Alexis Papathanassis encouraged them to continue to face future tasks and challenges with openness, commitment, critical thinking and confidence.


Students produce documentary film about group dynamics

European Football Championship in Germany. Thousands are singing and celebrating together and cheering on their teams. But what is it that makes so many people suddenly feel connected? And why are even those who are otherwise not interested in sport getting involved? Students on the Digital Media Production course at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences investigated these questions for their film "Zusammen" (Together).


Teaching Award 2024 goes to Prof Dr Barbara Kleine-Kalmer

The Professor of Business Administration in the Food Industry received the award for her outstanding teaching methods at the graduation ceremony. "I am very honoured and delighted to receive this award. I would like to thank the students from the bottom of my heart for their commitment and positive feedback, which motivates me to do my best every day. I would also like to thank the jury and the sponsorship organisation for this fantastic prize," says the award winner.


Students break open a taboo subject and make it visible

According to police crime statistics (PKS), around 60 per cent of all men were victims of criminal offences in 2022. However, the number of unreported cases of other victims is much higher. The inhibitions to seek help after an offence are too great. With the "Violence against men" campaign, Julia Scheunemann, Ellen Technau and Veronika Wisniewski want to break down prejudices and tackle stereotypical behaviour. To this end, they have developed a cross-media campaign as part of the Digital Media Production degree programme. Their black and white posters are currently hanging all over Bremerhaven.


"Become a Buddy, live free of charge!"

Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences can support young people on their educational journey and live rent-free at the same time. As "education buddies", they take on the role of learning mentor for a student at the Bremerhaven school on Ernst-Reuter-Platz (ERNST!) and in return receive one of four places in the STÄWOG Bremerhaven student residence free of charge. The project is supported by the Dieckell Foundation and the Netzwerk Schule, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft für die Region Unterweser e.V.. Interested students can now apply directly to Nicole Wind by e-mail at


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences mourns the loss of Professor Friedrich Zastrow

Friedrich Zastrow (*1943) shaped the marine engineering degree programme at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences from 1979 onwards. From 1990, he taught process engineering on the Process Engineering and Energy Technology degree programme and headed the Institute for Automation and Electrical Engineering. Together with students, he developed a "Twister", a vertical wind turbine that can ensure a self-sufficient power supply for small island systems. The scientist also actively supported pupils in "Jugend forscht" projects. Shortly before he retired in 2008, he was honoured with the University Medal for his extraordinary commitment. Friedrich Zastrow passed away on 12 June 2024.


Students test simulation game of the Interreg North Sea project InnoWaTr

In order to avoid emissions and reduce costs, transport companies ensure that the available container capacity on ships is utilised as fully as possible. In a container transport game, students on the Transport/Logistics degree programme have discovered how companies have to work together and negotiate cost sharing to achieve this.


The deep-sea salvage tug SEEFALKE in a comic strip

Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences spent a semester researching the ship and visualised myths, history and the present in thirteen poster comics. The vernissage on Tuesday, 25 June at 5 pm - the Day of the Seafarer - is also the premiere for the first art exhibition on board the 100-year-old ship, which is part of the museum fleet of the German Maritime Museum (DSM) / Leibniz Institute of Maritime History. Anyone interested is cordially invited to attend.


From the lecture theatre to Canadian cancer research

Getting out into the big wide world - that's also possible during a degree programme. Anna Roshal, a medical technology student at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, took the plunge and completed her internship semester in Canada. During her internship, she worked at a cancer research institute in Saskatoon, where she helped to develop new devices.


ADC Award 2024: Silver nail for corporate design at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and the Hamburg branding agency EIGA are delighted to have received another award. The jury of the Art Directors Club for Germany has honoured the new corporate design of the "Hochschule am Meer" with a silver nail. This is the third prestigious design award for the brand identity, which was renewed in 2022.


Axel Gottschalk receives Research Award 2024 from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and the Verein zur Förderung der Hochschule Bremerhaven e.V. have once again presented the Research Award for outstanding research activities this year: Prof Dr Axel Gottschalk also receives the prize, which is endowed with 1,000 euros, for his special achievements in acquiring research projects. The Professor of Thermal Process Engineering and Energy Conversion has been working at the university since 2013 and has already acquired and coordinated a large number of research projects in various fields of research. Anneke Neber, Sebastian Fock and Christian Saathoff will be honoured for their outstanding theses with sponsorship awards totalling 3,000 euros.


Student parents support each other in the "Little Campus"

The childcare centre closes at 5 pm, but the lecture goes on until 6.15 pm? Reconciling studying and childcare at the same time is a feat of strength and can present student parents with major challenges. At Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, they support each other in the peer-to-peer programme "Little Campus".


From the classroom to the operating theatre at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Unfallchirurgie und Bauchchirurgie – das stand auf dem Stundenplan einer elften Klasse der Max-Eyth-Schule. Die Schüler:innen besuchten einen Vorlesungsblock des Studiengangs Physician Assistant – medizinische Assistenz an der Hochschule Bremerhaven. Ziel war es, herauszufinden, womit sich der Studiengang beschäftigt, mal ins Studierendenleben reinzuschnuppern und einen Eindruck vom Studiengang zu erhalten. „Die meisten kennen nur ein Medizinstudium. Wir wollen wissen, wo der Unterschied drin liegt. Vielleicht wird der Plan B Physician Assistant zu studieren für einige Schüler:innen zum Plan A“, so Nadin Zeidler, Lehrerin der Schulklasse. Die Schulklasse hat den Schwerpunkt Gesundheit und Pflege.


Bremerhaven student Linda Meißner grows fish cells in the lab

In recent years, the importance of cell and tissue research has not only increased significantly in medicine. The food industry is also conducting research in this area in order to be able to meet the increasing demand for food in the future with the help of "laboratory meat". Inspired by the "SerAZel" research project, Bremerhaven student Linda Meißner is venturing into a particularly difficult field in her project. In the laboratory for animal cells, she is working on cultivating immortalised muscle cells from fish.


Around 300 visitors and prospective students at this year's Walk&Talk

The concept has proven its worth - despite the weather, around 300 visitors and prospective students came to find out about the degree programmes on offer last Saturday. This time there were presentations on the topics of applying and studying at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and studying abroad. The organisation team gave a positive assessment.


University and DLR shed light on maritime security

Researchers from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) have provided insights into the topic of maritime security at the German Emigration Centre. Frank Arendt, professor on the Integrated Safety and Security Management programme at the university, spoke on the topic of "Resilience of maritime transport chains", while computer science professor Lars Fischer spoke on cyber security.


The stuff the future is made of

Hydrogen is a key technology in the energy transition - and Bremerhaven holds many of the keys in its hands. BIS Wirtschaftsförderung Bremerhaven and the local hydrogen association H2BX will be showing what these are during Hydrogen Week from 15 to 23 June. Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is contributing a very special barbecue experience.


"Unacceptable and embarrassing"

Prof Dr Dr h.c. Alexis Papathanassis, Rector of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, strongly condemns the racist attack on a female student at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. The woman had worked as a poll worker in the European elections in Bremerhaven on 9 June and was racially attacked by a man at the polling station. "Our student, who was insulted and verbally attacked while actively campaigning for our democratic and social values, reflects the very 'heart' of our country."


Event series "Spotlight - Women in Science"

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, the Chamber of Labour and the Cultural Office of the City of Science Bremerhaven cordially invite you to the event series "Spotlight - Women in Science". In three events on 17, 19 and 20 June, the roles, challenges and experiences of women on their way into (scientific) careers will be highlighted. All events are free of charge and open to anyone interested, with dates and registration available at Translated with (free version)


Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership programme invites you to summer conference

At this year's summer conference of the Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership programme at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, students will present the results of their work from the past semester. What business activities did they pursue? What successes and failures did they have and what did they learn from them? Interested parties can find out on 26 and 27 June from 9 a.m. in the Fährhaus (An der Geste 25, Bremerhaven). Participation is free of charge and no prior registration is required.


TACTIX project launched to develop an MRI biomarker for multiple sclerosis

Scientists and students have launched the EU project TACTIX at Bogaziçi University in Istanbul. The acronym stands for ‘Twinning Approach for Computational MRI Technology and Innovation Excellence’ in Turkey. Klaus Eickel, Professor of Medical Informatics at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, researches modern methods of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and is one of the initiators.


I meet my favourite companies at Campus Connection at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Bringing students together with potential employers from the region - that is the aim of the Campus Connection job fair at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. On 6 June, over 30 companies presented themselves to students on campus. A complete success for business administration student Jurina Kleemeyer: she now knows where she wants to apply. A self-report.


University professor Dr Bettina Camin investigates the Kirkendall effect in real time

It leads to cable breakage in mobile phones and defects in aircraft turbines: the Kirkendall effect. This causes composite materials to become porous and unstable. Prof Dr Bettina Camin wants to find out how porosity develops so that the defects can be better controlled. In a research project at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, she is the first scientist to observe the voids in the material in real time as they develop. Translated with (free version)


Explosions on the campus of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Students let it rip with expert support: Accompanied by a Sat1 team, David Rasche from Rembe GmbH Safety+Control on the Master's programme in Food Technology demonstrated how (vital) process safety is in the food industry. With link to the TV programme.


Early practical networking for students

The Social Work degree programme at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is characterised by very close links with practice. From the very first semester, students familiarise themselves with work in various fields of activity. In order to network them with potential employers, a fair was recently held for the second time with 30 regional workplaces.


Don't forget! The Campus Conncetion takes place tomorrow

Would you like to establish contacts with companies? Then Campus Connection, the job fair organised by Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and the BIS business development agency, is the right place for you. From 11 a.m. you can get to know regional employers.


Students support pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds in starting their careers

ROCK YOUR LIFE! - an invitation with a social background. The Bremerhaven Community Foundation's project aims to promote educational equality and equal opportunities for young people through mentoring. Student Zeliha Cubukcu is involved and brings together mentors and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. The team is currently looking for two to three students to join the organisation team and 15 mentors from the university or the business world. Interested parties can get in touch at Translated with (free version)


Student convinces desired company to cooperate with the university

A-levels in the bag - what now? Many students are faced with this question every year. Hanna Marie Gocke didn't know at first where her path would take her after leaving school. Then she became interested in the Business Administration degree programme (practice-integrated dual) at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. As the positions on offer had already been filled, she started looking for a company she would like to work for - and found a new cooperation partner for the university in PNE AG.


Prof Dr Tobias Eckardt joins the CMR Advisory Council

Anyone who wants to transport goods by lorry through different countries faces legal challenges. Although there are internationally applicable agreements, these do not regulate every detail of goods transport. Bremerhaven university professor Dr Tobias Eckardt, together with other academics, wants to help transport companies achieve greater legal certainty.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences invites you to an informative campus walk

Shortly before the application deadline, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is inviting all prospective students to a "Walk & Talk". On Saturday, 15 June, lecturers and students will be offering guided campus tours and laboratory visits on various areas of interest from 10 am. The Enrolment and Examination Office, the Applicant Management Office and the International Office will also be on site in event room T002 to answer any questions. There will also be a student flea market.


Prof Dr Katharina Theis-Bröhl is Senior Professor of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation

Prof Dr Katharina Theis-Bröhl has been awarded a senior professorship by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation. This makes her only the second woman to be awarded this honour. Over the next three years, she would like to support schools in Bremerhaven with educational programmes on climate change and sustainability issues. At her inaugural lecture, she spoke to around 70 guests about the latest scientific findings and presented the climate experiment kit from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) as a possible educational programme.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences gives diverse voices a stage

As part of this year's Diversity Week at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, the "Queer Students Bremerhaven" group invites you to a poetry slam in the event room (House T, Room 002, An der Karlstadt 8, Bremerhaven). On Tuesday, 28 May, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., people will share their stories under the motto "Giving diverse voices a stage". All interested parties are cordially invited to attend. The event is free of charge.


"Koggethon" combines computer science and culture

What do computer science and culture have to do with each other? What points of contact are there between computer science degree programmes and cultural institutions? Those interested in computer science can explore these and other questions together with lecturers and students from the Computer Science, Business Informatics and Digitalisation, Innovation and Information Management courses at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences at this year's "Koggethon" on Saturday, 8 June, from 6 p.m. at the German Maritime Museum. Translated with (free version)


"Creativity connects": students exhibit their work

The Digital Media Production degree programme cordially invites all interested parties to the DMP Day on Friday, 24 May, from 2 to 6 p.m., in the event room T002 and the adjacent lecture hall T001. Current work from the fields of audiovisual media, media design and media informatics will be on display. Participation is free of charge and possible without prior registration.


Experiences and dealing with diversity at European universities

"Diversity in Higher Education Institutions: Different Perspectives and Experiences" was the motto of this year's Erasmus Staff Week, which was organised by the International Offices of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, the University of Bremen, Bremen University of Applied Sciences and Constructor University in cooperation with the Offices for Equal Opportunities and Diversity. Around 40 participants from 14 EU countries, as well as employees from the organising institutions, attended the event.


Poetry slammers wanted for diversity slam

As part of this year's Diversity Week at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, diverse voices are to be heard. The group "Queer Students Bremerhaven" is therefore calling for participation in the diversity slam on Tuesday, 28 May from 6 to 9 pm. We are looking for slammers with and without slam experience who would like to share their stories. Any travel costs incurred will be covered. Registration is possible until 14 May.


CHE Ranking: Informatics at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences once again among the top group

The results testify to a very good introductory phase and practical orientation. "Our aim is to present students with a diverse career profile in informatics with its broad range of tasks by the end of the first semester," explains course director Prof. Dr Karin Vosseberg. Anyone who would like to try out programming in a special atmosphere can do so at the Koggeton on 8 June.


Scientists meet for "speed networking" at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

A broad network is one of the main ingredients for a successful (academic) career. The Freundeskreis zur Förderung der Wissenschaft Bremerhaven and Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences are therefore inviting you to "Speed Networking" on campus on 30 May. Registration for the free event is now open.


A different kind of lecture: students launch Smart Mob at the Klimahaus in Bremerhaven

Out of the lecture hall and into society: students of social work encourage visitors to the Klimahaus to reflect on the effects of the climate crisis on social coexistence and the responsibility of organisations.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences mourns the loss of Henry Otten

It was with great dismay and sadness that the Rectorate and the faculty of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences received the news of the death of their former colleague Henry Otten. Mr Otten was employed for 34 years in various functions in the central areas of the university until he retired on 1 January this year. Henry Otten passed away on 21 April.


Start of applications for prospective students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Applications for admission-free degree programmes are made via the university's own application portal The application deadline is 15 August 2024. Applications for the admission-restricted Bachelor's degree programmes in Digital Media Production, Physician Assistant and Social Work can only be submitted via the portal until 15 July 2024. Special regulations also apply to the practice-integrated dual degree programmes and the Master's degree programmes.


How do I become a university professor?

A professorship at a university of applied sciences (HAW/FH) offers interesting career paths for young academics. Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and Bremen University of Applied Sciences will answer questions about this at a joint information event on Thursday 16 May at 2 p.m. at Bremen University of Applied Sciences (Langemarckstr. 113, foyer of the IGC building). The event is aimed at doctoral and postdoctoral students from the Bremen and Bremerhaven region.


Safety in logistics

‘Powerful and dangerous?’ This was the motto of the symposium organised by the State Working Group for Occupational Safety in Bremen (LAK), which was held at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences for the first time this spring. More than 100 safety experts from industry, science and administration learnt about the latest developments and trends in lithium-ion technology in several specialist presentations.


Inaugural lecture by Prof Dr Katharina Theis-Bröhl as Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Senior Professor

Bremerhaven university professor Dr Katharina Theis-Bröhl would like to support schools in Bremerhaven over the next three years with educational programmes on climate change and sustainability. All interested parties are cordially invited to the inaugural lecture on Wednesday 22 May at 4 pm. Attendance is free of charge after prior registration.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences takes part in #Zusammenland campaign

DIE ZEIT, Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagesspiegel, WirtschaftsWoche and Ströer are joining forces with around 500 companies, foundations and associations as well as more than 350 scientific institutions to set an example against right-wing extremism with their campaign "#Zusammenland - Vielfalt macht uns stark" (#Together - Diversity makes us strong) and are committed to freedom, diversity and a welcoming culture.


Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences win the TROPHELIA Germany ideas competition for the first time with their "OPOKE" breakfast biscuit

A balanced breakfast provides the body with the energy it needs for a good start to the day. However, not everything you find on the supermarket shelf is healthy. Berna Gayret, Jovana Komlenic and Saskia Trompell have therefore developed a breakfast biscuit that not only tastes good, but also contains enough fibre, unsaturated fatty acids and plant-based proteins.


ZDF programme "Die Spur" about mechanically recovered meat

What is in the sausage? And is the use of mechanically separated meat in particular labelled as required by law? Prof. Dr Stefan Wittke spoke to reporters from the programme Spur about his test method.


Karen Albers takes 2nd place in the prestigious Helene Lange Prize

Are escape games suitable for school lessons and can design elements influence learning success? University graduate Karen Albers wants to look into these questions as part of her doctoral thesis. Her research idea won her second place in the prestigious Helene Lange Prize.


"Our goal: everyone should have equal opportunities and equal rights to study at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences"

Claudia Krieten from the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Diversity is the Inclusion Officer for students with disabilities at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. Bremerhaven is the first university in the state of Bremen to ensure inclusive study with official regulations.


Bremerhaven students protect valuable transport goods with their research

Speaking in front of an expert audience: This was possible for three transport and logistics students (TWL) and a graduate of the logistics programme at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. At the Transport Loss Prevention Conference organised by the German Insurance Association (GDV) at the Atlantic Hotel Sail City in Bremerhaven, the four were able to report on their research work and its practical benefits for companies and the environment.


Lecture series on right-wing populism and anti-democracy

The Social Work degree programme cordially invites all interested parties to the "Social Work Evening Talks" at THP. Experts will talk about various aspects of right-wing populism and anti-democracy on seven different dates. Prof. Dr Michael Böwer will kick things off on Tuesday, 30 April from 17:15 to 18:45. Participation is free of charge and no prior registration is required.


Welcome to the university: How onboarding can succeed

There is no second chance to make a first impression - this also applies to companies that welcome new employees. To ensure that the university scores highly as an employer right from the start, the BeProf@BHV project and the Organisational Development department are looking at how to create a good start for new employees. They have already been able to implement some ideas.


Business Administration dual study programme informs regional companies about cooperation opportunities

The business administration degree programme (dual practice-integrated) helps to retain skilled workers in the region. Interested company representatives can find out more about cooperation at the free and digital information event. The first date is Friday, 3 May, from 11 am to 12 noon. Further dates will follow on 31 May, 5 July and 8 August, all at 11 am.


Bremerhaven launches charm offensive as a science HOME town

"Deine WissenschaftsHEIMATstadt" - this is the motto of the new Bremerhaven social media campaign, which was developed on behalf of BIS Wirtschaftsförderung Bremerhaven and in cooperation with the Department of Economics, Tourism and Science. The aim is to raise awareness beyond the state's borders that some of Germany's most important research organisations are based at the mouth of the Weser.


Prof. Dr Michael Böwer starts teaching on the Social Work degree programme

What causes children to grow up badly in their families and how can we ensure that they do well? What does child protection look like in digital media? And how can organisations deal with conflicts and violence? This is Prof Dr Michael Böwer's area of expertise. He is currently building a network in order to collaborate with practice partners in the field of child protection and other areas in the future.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences mourns the loss of Jutta Wolfgramm

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences mourns the loss of Mrs Jutta Wolfgramm, who worked at the university from 1976 to 2012. In 1999, she took over the management of the then established Department of Budget and Finance, whose work she characterised for many years with her expertise and conscientiousness.


Study abroad well informed

Studying in Bordeaux or Bangkok, intercultural exchanges with Poland and Spain or job shadowing with Erasmus funding: If you want to gain experience abroad, you can't get past Aleksandra Rupietta and Tina Gersdorf at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. They work in the International Office to ensure that students and university members have a smooth start to their time abroad. Their tasks are very varied.


Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries: Powerful and flammable?

The State Working Group for Occupational Health and Safety (LAK) in Bremen and Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences are inviting you to this year's LAK spring event entitled "Powerful and dangerous? - Safe handling of lithium-ion batteries" on Tuesday 16 April at 13:30 in lecture theatre T001 (Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Building T). Participation is free of charge. Registration is required by 10 April at


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and Bremerhaven Chess Society organise the first Bremerhaven University Chess Days

Attention chess enthusiasts! From Saturday 20 April to Sunday 21 April, the first Bremerhaven University Chess Days will take place as part of the 44th North German Blitz Chess Team Championships (NBMM) in the university canteen. Registration is now open.


"Let's make your time at university an epic experience!"

Welcome on board: Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences welcomes 161 new Bachelor's and Master's students. The start of the 2024 summer semester was celebrated together with them.


Bremerhaven students network at the meccanica feminale in Stuttgart

Getting women interested in technical and scientific careers is something that women in the practice can do best. In February 2024, the meccanica feminale in Stuttgart offered female engineering students and scientists as well as women from the practice a place to experiment and network.


Attracting young talent to the region with a practice-integrated dual study programme

With the practice-integrated dual Bachelor's degree programme in Food Technology/Food Business, regional companies can train existing and new employees to become engineers. On Thursday, 11 April at 2:30 p.m., the degree programme invites interested company representatives to an online insight session where they can find out more about the cooperation.


No place for racism

21 March is the International Day against Racism. Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, as a place of international exchange, stands for diversity and openness and distances itself from all forms of discrimination, marginalisation and xenophobia.


Project ReformBIO in the regional news on Sat.1

Does mango go well with kohlrabi and caviar with white chocolate? Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Buchecker and some of her students talked about this with a film team from Sat.1 Regional. The film about how the food pairing method works is now available in the media library.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences receives "Vielfalt gestalten" certificate from the Stifterverband

Honoured! Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences has been awarded the "Vielfalt gestalten" certificate by the Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft. This certifies that it sees the diversity of its students and employees as an opportunity and has found ways to use this potential for organisational development. In addition to Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, nine other universities and two research institutions have received the certificate this year.


A tree full of wishes

What do female students and women in teaching, research and administration at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences want? To find out, the Office for Gender Equality once again put up a wish tree this year. On the occasion of the 113th International Women's Day, wishes could be formulated for a week and visibly displayed in front of the cafeteria in House K.


How do I learn properly?

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is offering a free workshop on learning techniques for senior high school students. This will take place in House K of the university (Room K002, An der Karlstadt 8) on Thursday 21 March from 11:00-12:30. Registration is now open.


Universities in the state of Bremen introduce themselves

At a joint online event, the universities in the state of Bremen will introduce themselves and provide information about their degree programmes and the application process. The event will take place on Tuesday, 12 March 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. via Zoom. Registration is required.


Hardness testing put into practice

Out of school and into student life: 22 eleventh-graders from Max-Eyth-Schule Schiffdorf visited laboratories for the engineering degree programme at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. The aim was to put the theory they had learnt in class into practice. Stefanie Uhe, who teaches at the Max-Eyth-Schule, has appreciated the close dialogue with the university for many years.


"Science goes Public!": Going to the pub makes you smarter!

The popular science series "Science goes public!" is starting its spring round. On six evenings from 14 March to 18 April, there will be a total of 18 entertaining lectures that will introduce guests to the fascinating world of science - in short facts and anecdotes that are easy for laypeople to understand. On Thursday, 28 March at 20:30, Prof. Dr Ramona Bosse will be talking about the "superfood" egg at "Café de Fiets". Admission to all events is free.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences makes invisible work visible

Whether raising children or caring for relatives: Many people have to perform care work alongside their professional obligations. Usually unseen and unpaid. Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is bringing the topic to light with a campaign: on 29 February, Equal Care Day, students and employees can make their situation and wishes clear on a pinboard.


A critical view of computer science instead of computer faith

When Ulrike Erb decided to study computer science, the programme was only offered at three German universities. A critical view of computer science and its social relevance were particularly important to her from the outset. At the end of the winter semester, Prof Dr Ulrike Erb will retire after 20 years at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. But her commitment is far from over!


Students inspire magistrate and "Erlebnis Bremerhaven"

Bremerhaven computer science and business informatics students have been commissioned by the city to develop two games that use augmented reality to expand reality. Their clients have trialled "Battleship" and "Cruising" and are committed to adding two digital attractions to Bremerhaven.


Equal opportunities at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences: Excellent!

The Joint Science Conference GWK awards the gender equality concept for parity at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences in the Female Professors Programme 2030 with a distinction. The title of "University with a strong gender equality programme" is a source of satisfaction and confirms the work of the Rectorate and the Women's Representative.


Students invite you on a world tour for the senses

If the smell of coriander and lime fills your nose when you think of Mexico and you hear a mixture of car horns and mariachi music in your mind, you've come to the right place: six students from the Cruise Tourism Management Bachelor's degree programme at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences have created the cruise "World Cruise 2025 - a journey around the world with all the senses" - for the eyes, ears, nose and palate.


Warm jumpers and jackets for seafarers

Because the clothing store was almost empty at the end of the year, the German Seamen's Mission in Bremerhaven called for donations. Members of the university therefore dug deep into their wardrobes and collected warm jumpers, jackets and hats. A car boot full of bulging bags of clothes has now been handed over to the Seamen's Mission.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences extends application deadline for the summer semester

If you would like to start studying at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences in the coming summer semester, you have until Friday 15 March to apply. There are eight mostly technical and scientific Master's degree programmes as well as selected Bachelor's degree programmes to choose from. Applications can be made via the university's own application portal


Knowledge transfer for the energy transition

One building block for achieving global climate targets is the expansion of offshore wind energy. Countries that still have little experience and knowledge of renewable energies can benefit from an international exchange with experts. The Offshore Wind Energy MBA at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences recently offered an introductory course for Japanese students for the first time.


Donation for the cultivation of international co-operations

In 2023, the local Bremerhaven wind farm operator WindMW Service GmbH once again supported the cultivation of international cooperation at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences with a donation. The financial support is mainly used to fund childcare expenses for guests from international partner universities, which the university could not and should not be able to afford from its own budget.


Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences expand reality

Sinking virtual ships on real water in front of the Deutsches Schifffahrtmuseum (German Maritime Museum) and collecting points that can then be exchanged for a delicious ice cream: With their "Seaside AR" project, twelve computer science and business informatics students are showing how this can be done. They were commissioned to do this by Bremerhaven's city council and city marketing department.


Right to award doctorates at Universities of Applied Sciences strengthens Bremen and Bremerhaven as a centre of science

It is a milestone in strengthening the Universities of Applied Sciences (Hochschulen der Angewandten Wissenschaften) in the state of Bremen: In future, they will be able to independently offer doctoral programmes in research-intensive fields. The Senator for the Environment, Climate and Science, Kathrin Moosdorf, recently signed a legal decree to this effect.


Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences give an insight into their project work

Students of Computer Science, Business Informatics and the Master's degree programme in Digitalisation, Innovation and Information Management presented their project work from the past year at the Tag der Informatik" ("Computer Science Day"). Visitors were able to virtually sink ships, measure the university with a robot and a self-built black box, observe the energy consumption of a smart home or get to know Colleg:in Chatbot.


Strengthening local trade with "digitalisation through the back door"

The regional retail sector is in crisis. More and more owners are having to give up their businesses. Town centres are dying out. One reason: customers prefer to shop conveniently online instead of in the shop around the corner. In the "R3 Resilient, Regional, Retail" project, researchers at the Smart Mobility Institute at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences have asked themselves how local retailers can become more competitive against large online platforms.


Done! graduates celebrate their degree

341 students successfully completed their studies at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences at the end of the 2023/24 winter semester. Many of them celebrated this with their fellow students, professors and families.


"I know the feeling that everything is new when you arrive in Bremerhaven"

Siravit Puengyangyuen is studying Logistics Engineering Management at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. He is committed to helping students who, like him, are taking part in the German-Thai double degree programme. For his commitment, he has received the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) prize, which honours foreign students at German universities for their social commitment and exceptional achievements.


Open doors at the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences campus day

Trying things out and asking questions instead of being overwhelmed with information in lengthy lectures - that was once again the concept of this year's Campus Day. The Bachelor's degree programmes had numerous exhibits from research and student projects in their luggage. Around 250 prospective students were able to get an idea of what awaits them after enrolment.


Register for Girls' and Boys' Day at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

During this year's winter holidays, many girls and boys will once again be sitting in front of their mobile phone, tablet and PC screens early in the morning. On Thursday, 1 February, from 9 a.m., Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences will open its Girls' Day and Boys' Day programme. Registration takes place via the central Girls' and Boys' Day platforms.


What's in popular supermarket products?

How do ready-made salads stay fresh for a long time and why are sausages sometimes so cheap? The ZDF series "besseresser" provides information about what is in our food. This time, it was also a guest in the laboratory of Prof Dr Stefan Wittke. He shows how a new method can be used to detect mechanically separated meat. The programme can be seen on Tuesday, 23 January at 20:15 on ZDF and in advance in the media library.


Democracy. Diversity. Open-Mindedness.

Joint declaration of the Bremen research institutions united in the U Bremen Research Alliance and the State Rectors' Conference


ReformBIO project seeks test eaters for reduced-sugar fruit yoghurtReformBIO project seeks test eaters for reduced-sugar fruit yoghurt

The project "Reformulation strategies for organic food" (ReformBio) is looking for ways to reduce the sugar content in processed organic food without compromising on flavour and texture. Tasting sessions will be held at the end of January. Interested parties who regularly consume organic food should contact the project team at


From smart home to chatbot: students showcase their project work at "Computer Science Day"

Once again this year, the Computer Science, Business Informatics and Digitalisation, Innovation and Information Management degree programmes are inviting all interested parties to "Computer Science Day". On Thursday, 1 February, from 9:45 a.m. to 3 p.m., you can marvel at student project work. Participation in the event is free of charge and possible without prior registration.


Designing diversity

When it comes to promoting diversity at the university, Gudrun Zimmermann is the right person to talk to. She heads the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Diversity. Her current project: the diversity audit of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. (Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany).


Rethinking civil defence in a new and more comprehensive way

Prof. Dr Dominic Kudlacek talks in a radio interview about why civil defence should not only focus on one threat and why everyone has security in their own hands.


More successful than ever: student documentaries win at festivals

23 festivals, one award winner, four finalists, three honourable mentions: With their documentary films "Männer" and "3 Uhr 8° Ost", DMP students were able to impress more international juries than ever before in the last festival season. The films are now available on YouTube.


Hydrogen engine as an element of the energy transition?

Green hydrogen is considered an important component of the energy transition.At Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, university lecturer Peter Seedorf now wants to find out whether hydrogen-powered engines are suitable as components of a sustainable energy supply alongside fuel cells. The first trials are due to start at the end of February.


Side by side in an emergency

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and other cultural and scientific institutions in the city have founded an emergency alliance. In the event of floods, fires and other disasters, the alliance partners help each other with personnel, material resources and space.


University has "no place for racism"

A seat with a clear statement: Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences has installed a new bench on its campus, right next to the StuCa student café, as a symbol against racism. It was donated by the Bremerhaven Sinti Association.


Quizzes, games and web applications all about the Bremen cog

A special kind of "Night at the Museum": for the fourth time, the laptop covers were opened after dark in the cog hall of the German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven. For this year's Koggethon, 65 IT enthusiasts gathered to programme and try out new things together until the early hours of the morning.


Insa Mannott receives the Ulrich Florin Foundation's doctoral promotion award

Insa Mannott, a doctoral student from Bremerhaven, has been awarded the Ulrich Florin Foundation's doctoral scholarship. She will use the scholarship to finance her participation in the renowned international congress of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) next year. There she not only wants to gather new insights from the food industry, but also present her doctoral thesis.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences provides information about Master's programmes

Have you completed your Bachelor's degree and are now looking for the right Master's programme? Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences invites prospective students to a digital information event. On Wednesday, 17 January, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., student advisor Natalie Stellmacher and the heads of degree programmes will be available via BigBlueButton. Prior registration is not necessary.


Make a well-informed decision in favour of a degree course

Attention prospective students! Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences invites you to Campus Day 2024 on Wednesday, 24 January, from 9 am to 2 pm. The programme includes guided campus tours, open labs, taster lectures and short keynote speeches on current topics from research and teaching. In addition, information stands for the degree programmes offer plenty of space for individual questions.


Christmas physics lecture goes on air

There's noise and smoke in the lecture theatre: the physics laboratory at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences has invited all interested parties to the traditional Christmas lecture. Sat.1 reports on the regional programme.


University professor Dr Tobias Eckardt participates as Germany's representative in UN working group

To facilitate international trade in goods, producers and traders like to use warehouse receipts. In a sub-organisation of the United Nations (UN), representatives from around 40 countries are working on a model law to provide guidance to countries without their own regulations on handling warehouse receipts.


Intensive knowledge transfer on the use of renewable energies

With a focus on offshore wind energy and hydrogen technologies, the participants of the German-Japanese Symposium used the time in Bremerhaven for an intensive scientific exchange with a strong practical orientation.


28 Bremerhaven students receive a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship for exceptional achievements

Karate, church, charity: many of the honourees are involved in voluntary work alongside their studies. Supported by regional companies, foundations, social clubs, associations and the federal government, they are delighted to receive 300 euros a month.


Researchers show new possibilities for the production of biofuels

The EU-funded "FLEXI-GREEN FUELS" project has been working for around three years on the development of new technologies for the production of sustainable biofuels for shipping and aviation. On Wednesday, 13 December, from 9 am to 5:45 pm, the researchers will present their results in the THP building at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. Participation is free of charge for all interested parties.


Honoured! The new brand identity of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences receives Corporate Design Award

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, together with the Hamburg branding agency EIGA, introduced a new, modern brand design last year. This has now been honoured by a jury with the Corporate Design Award in the "Corporate Design Redesign" category. This is the second time the university's brand identity has been honoured with a prestigious design award after the Red Dot Award 2023.


University physics lab invites you to a Christmas lecture

There's a lot of noise and smoke in the lecture theatre: the physics laboratory at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences invites all interested parties to the Physics Christmas Lecture on Tuesday, 12 December at 5:15 pm in lecture theatre S207 (House S, An der Karlstadt 8, Bremerhaven). The number of seats is limited. Prior registration or reservation is not possible.


Conference on research into material cultural heritage at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques offer promising opportunities for analysing the material cultural heritage. On 7 and 8 December, the U Bremen Research Alliance will meet at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences under the title "MRI for Cultural Heritage Objects".


African Culture Day: Students invite you to an intercultural exchange

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences cordially invites all interested parties to the 2nd African Culture Day on Friday, 1 December. From 11:15 am to 5 pm, African students will give an insight into the culture of their countries of origin in the THP event room (Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1, Bremerhaven). Visitors can expect music, dance, art and culinary delights.


R3" project opens "experience shop window" in Oldenburg

Local retailers have been suffering from falling income for a long time. More and more shops in German city centres are standing empty. One reason: consumers are increasingly shopping online instead of in the shop next door. Small businesses in particular, whose goods cannot be found on the virtual marketplaces of large online retailers, are becoming almost invisible as a result. The "R3 - Resilient, Regional, Retail" project at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences aims to strengthen the local retail sector.


University honoured as the first bicycle-friendly employer in Bremerhaven

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences wants to encourage its students and employees to switch to bicycles with a variety of measures. It has now been awarded the silver "Bicycle-friendly employer" certificate by the German Cyclists' Federation (ADFC) - the first company in Bremerhaven to do so.


What makes the university and the city attractive to students and skilled workers from abroad

At Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences' annual academic reception, participants explored the requirements and opportunities of internationalisation.


Science duel about towel wars, algae and sea ice

On November 23, six scientists will compete against each other in a science slam at the "Apollo" in Georgstraße 73 starting at 7 pm. University Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexis Papathanassis will be competing with the topic: "Towel wars and the parasol movement". Admission is free and registration is not required.


"Koggethon - the long night of computer science" invites you to programme around the cog

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and the German Maritime Museum - Leibniz Institute for German Maritime History jointly invite you to this year's "Koggethon - the long night of computer science" on Saturday, 2 December.


Study guidance under palm trees

Students abroad are also asking themselves what they want to do after leaving school. An opportunity for German universities in the competition for new students? Student counsellor Natalie Stellmacher recently moved her workplace to Egypt for a few days and presented Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences as an attractive place to study to around 700 interested people at two study information days. One degree programme met with particularly great interest.


TWLogistik 2023: What have we achieved in 40 years?

The Verein der Wirtschaftsingenieure für Transportwesen (VdWT) e.V. (Association of Industrial Engineers for Transport) is once again organising its traditional "TWLogistik" conference this year. On Thursday, 9 November and Friday, 10 November, experts will talk about current topics in logistics, such as climate protection and digitalisation.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences mourns the loss of long-time employee Martin Lindigkeit

For 34 years, Martin Lindigkeit trained students and promoted their scientific development as a lecturer and specialist in materials science at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. As the university management has now learned from his relatives, he passed away on 11 October 2023 at the age of 81.


German-Japanese symposium on renewable energies at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

An important building block for achieving the climate targets is the exchange of knowledge in order to benefit from existing findings from other countries. This is why Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is hosting the "German-Japanese Symposium with focus on Renewable Energy Resources" from 27 to 29 November. The event will focus on offshore wind energy and hydrogen technologies. The symposium is significantly supported financially by the "Freundeskreis zur Förderung der Wissenschaft in Bremerhaven e.V.".


Prof. Dr Hans Rummel receives honorary doctorate from Gdynia Maritime University

The Polish Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni has awarded Prof. Dr. Hans Rummel an honorary doctorate in a festive ceremony. This is in recognition of his services in the cooperation between the University of Gdynia and Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. Prof. Dr. Hans Rummel is the first non-Polish academic to be awarded the title by the Maritime University of Gdynia.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences participates in the 5th MINT Day in the State of Bremen

Where do algorithms accompany us in everyday life? How can dessert contribute to a sustainable diet? And what is an emulsion? Pupils in the 9th and 10th grades in the state of Bremen can deal with these and other questions as part of the 5th MINT Day on Wednesday, 15 November.


Mensa remains closed on 30 October

The Mensa Bremerhaven will be closed on Monday, 30 October. The cafeteria will be open. The BAföG Office, the Student Housing Department, the Psychological Counselling Centre, the Social Counselling Service and the General Administration including the Cultural Office will also be closed on this day.


Climate neutrality in the state of Bremen - possible or just wishful thinking?

Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences studied the report of the Bremen Commission of Inquiry on Achieving Climate Neutrality in the State of Bremen as part of an elective course. In a workshop followed by a panel discussion, they discussed the implementation of regional climate protection strategies in the areas of mobility and housing together with experts.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences launches new newsletter for prospective students

Prospective students take note: Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is launching a new information service. Whether it's tips worth knowing, exciting insights into student life or other important information about studying - the new newsletter delivers it all directly to your mailbox.


A toast to science

The popular series "Science goes public" starts into the new season. On Thursday, 2 November, at 8:30 p.m., Prof. Dr. Benjamin Wagner vom Berg will talk about climate-neutral transport in the "Blattlaus Café Bar".


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences mourns former Professor Focke Gerd Buß

The members of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences remember their former university teacher, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Focke Gerd Buß'. Mr Buß was one of the first professors at the Hochschule am Meer, which was founded in 1975. In particular, he had a decisive influence on the course of study in marine engineering.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences welcomes 543 new students

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences welcomed its new students at a festive welcome event. "Studying is not a list of questions to be answered. Education is an experience and studying is a journey. It means freedom and self-responsibility and the opportunity to broaden your horizons. We are really looking forward to having you with us in the coming years." With these words, Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexis Papathanassis welcomed the new students.


Full speed ahead to CO2 neutrality thanks to the Commission of Inquiry: Concept for the future or wishful thinking?

Climate-friendly mobility is an important building block for achieving the climate goals. But how is this supposed to work? Is there even a suitable answer? And is the policy on the right course? These and other questions will be addressed at the workshop "At full throttle to CO2 neutrality thanks to the Enquete Commission, future or wishful thinking?" at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences on Friday, 13 October, at 12:30 p.m., in Haus THP (Theodor-Heuss-Platz 3, Bremerhaven).


What moves Bremerhaven at night?

The documentary film entitled "3 o'clock 8° East" tells the story of people who turn night into day and was successfully screened at international film festivals. On Monday, 9 October, at 1:30 pm, the film will celebrate its cinema premiere at Cinemotion Bremerhaven (Karlsburg 1, Bremerhaven). Interested parties are cordially invited to the free screening. The number of seats is limited. Prior registration or seat reservation is not possible.


Logistics students travel to international congress in Brussels

The 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations are to be achieved worldwide by 2030 - also in the logistics sector. At this year's "Young Logistics Challenge" during the FIATA World Congress (FWC) in Brussels, students and young logistics professionals are therefore looking together for creative and targeted solutions to real problems in companies.


GENDERKlimaGERECHT: Sustainability and Gender Policy at Universities

At this year's annual conference of the Federal Conference of Women's and Gender Equality Representatives at Universities (bukof), around 250 participants discussed perspectives on the climate crisis and sustainability in the context of universities, gender and social inequalities.


Keeping an eye on the safety of people and the environment with an additional qualification

As soon as a company is involved in the transport of dangerous goods, trained employees as dangerous goods safety advisors must ensure that all safety aspects are observed. Students can train for this function in the Bachelor's degree programme in Transport Engineering / Logistics (TWL) at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences.


Getting to know each other, cinema premiere and culture: The orientation week for first-year students is ready to go

October marks the beginning of a new phase in life for many young people: they leave the familiar school system and start studying - a step that is associated with many new impressions and uncertainties. At Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, a planning team of ten worked for around four months to organise a varied welcome programme.


University mourns the death of Honorary citizen Gerlinde Berk

In 2006, Gerlinde Berk was awarded the special honour for her extensive commitment to Bremerhaven as a university location by the former Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Josef Stockemer - the first woman to receive this award.


Visual notes: Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences learn the Sketchnote method

Those who scribble during a lecture not only remember what is said better, but also listen more attentively. At Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, interested students learn how they can make use of this peculiarity of the brain for their studies. The offer is well received: The course "Visual Notes" by Prof. Dr. Katharina Theis-Bröhl is in high demand.


How healthier food is created in the test kitchen

In the "ReformBIO " project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture as part of the Federal Organic Farming Scheme (BÖL), scientists at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences are looking at how the sugar content in organic food can be significantly reduced. This can be a major challenge in some cases, because: Using less sugar is not a solution.


Inaugural visit: Kathrin Moosdorf visits Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

New and revised degree programmes, a fresh corporate design and many ideas for the future: During her inaugural visit, Bremen's Senator for the Environment, Climate and Science, Kathrin Moosdorf, got an idea of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences as an educational and scientific l


From Bremerhaven to the world

Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexis Papathanassis talks about cruise tourism in the podcast "From the Dike to the Ear".


Bremerhaven's magistrate promotes and retains social work students

Social workers in Bremerhaven have a wide range of tasks. And they are urgently needed. That is why the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences started the practice-oriented Bachelor's programme in Social Work in 2022. The magistrate has now launched a scholarship programme: 600 euros per month for students from the third semester onwards for the rest of the standard period of study and, if they are suitable, a permanent employment contract for those who work for the magistrate for at least five years.


New technologies for networking in the logistics laboratory

Alexa oder Siri vor dem Rausgehen fragen, wie das Wetter wird, Musik Playlisten steuern oder beim Kochen einen Timer stellen – viele kennen Sprachassistenten bereits als nützliches Tool im Alltag. Im Lagerlogistiklabor der Hochschule Bremerhaven können TWL-Studierende diese Technologien erlernen, verstehen und selber ausprobieren.


Research expedition: Polarstern reaches North Pole

Five weeks after setting sail from Tromsø in Norway, the research vessel Polarstern of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) has reached the northernmost point on Earth. On board: two professors from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences.


"Sommerschule Wasser" 2023 starts

How does polluted water become clean drinking water again? How can animals breathe under water? Bremerhaven's fourth-graders will get to the bottom of these and many other questions about water during the Water Summer School.


"Gas to Liquid" for combustion engines at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

In the search for environmentally friendly drives for vehicles and ships, synthetic fuels can be a solution for conventional combustion engines. In the meantime, the classic diesel has also been banned from the laboratory for thermal power and working machines at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences.


BeAware: When food becomes a problem

Anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating: more and more people suffer from eating disorders. With their social campaign, students Janina Reusch, Nele Muhle and Natalie Stern want to raise awareness of the many different forms of this disorder.



8 to 10 minutes: this is the maximum time it should take in Bremen for an ambulance to arrive at the scene of an emergency. Students from the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences will show what these minutes can feel like with a multimedia action on Friday, 8 September and Saturday, 9 September, both from 9:30 pm in Bremen.


Podcast: It's all in the mix

Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Buchecker talks about the potential of food pairing on the Bremerhaven Podcast "Vom Deich ins Ohr".


Universities in the state of Bremen united in the goal of more sustainability

Science Senator Kathrin Moosdorf found out about BreGoS (Bremen Goes Sustainable). In this inter-university project, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is investigating how laboratory operations can be made sustainable.


Can mega-ships be sustainable?

Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexis Papathanassis spoke live at the BBC World Business Report about the sustainability and profitability of large cruise ships.


University project "BeProf@BHV" supports female scientists in starting their doctorate

Starting a doctorate is a difficult step for many academics. Start-up funding and advisory services help to overcome hurdles.


A week of immersion in Polish culture

The Erasmus Program of the European Union for Education, Youth and Sport enables eight students of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences to come to Gdynia to participate in the German-Polish Friendship Seminar for one week. Together with Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Feldmeier, Prof. Dr. Hans Rummel and Aleksandra Rupietta from the International Office, the Bremerhaven students spent five days at the Polish partner university and got to know the people and culture.


Media report: Rescue forces - an outdoor rescue game for more respect

Deutschlandfunk radio reported on the action of the student project #codeblau in front of the Waterfront Bremen.


The new brand identity of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences receives international Red Dot Communication Award 2023

Last year, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences introduced a new, modern brand design together with the Hamburg branding agency EIGA. This has now been awarded by an international jury.


Anniversary celebration to network Cruise Tourism Management alumni, students, faculty and cruise lines.

The 20th anniversary celebration of the Cruise Tourism Management program provides an opportunity for networking. Lecturers provide a glimpse into the future of tourism.


Young skilled workers for the wind energy sector

Students get to know a variety of regional and supra-regional companies and research institutions in the field of renewable energies on excursions.



Interactive outdoor rescue game for more appreciation of rescue workers on Friday, 25 August, from 1 p.m. in front of the Waterfront shopping centre in Bremen


Foodpairing: The natural way to reduce sugar in organic foods

A consumer study conducted as part of the "ReformBIO" project shows that food pairing has immense potential. Organic consumers in particular are open to innovative flavour combinations.


Lecture and reading: "What's swimming there?" at the Klimahaus Bremerhaven

The North Sea, the sea on our doorstep, will be the subject of an evening event at the Klimahaus Bremerhaven on Thursday 24 August.


Hands-on science at the Maritime Days 2023

University invites to hands-on experiments and product tasting at the Science Mile on 18 and 19 August


"Harzgespräche" about the forest dieback

Tree death, bark beetles, fire danger - the effects of climate change have been endangering German forests for years. According to the district, around 21,000 hectares of forest are bare in the Harz alone. The students Lea Yilmaz and Carina Fischbach want to draw attention to this problem. For their film project in the Digital Media Production course at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, they have produced a report on the forests in the Harz.


Research project "Hydrogen-green gas for Bremerhaven" shows potential of hydrogen technologies in industry

Results flow into numerous follow-up projects


Students from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences test self-built technical systems on Helgoland

During an expedition of several days to the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), thirteen young scientists from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences exchanged their experiences and knowledge in the fields of marine technology, wind energy and marine energies with ten scholarship holders from the AWI.


"ALGROW" university project explores sustainable options for microalgae production

New technologies could reduce CO2 emissions in the industrial sector


Bremerhaven puzzles: Scavenger Hunt starts - with questions from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

The sixth "Scavenger Hunt" will take place as a special edition under the motto "Eat something different" in the period from 27 July 2023 to 10 August 2023. Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences will also contribute questions. The "Knobelei" is organised by the Bremerhaven "CITIES2030" project team in cooperation with the "MOIN!" food council and the Pier der Wissenschaft (which includes Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences). Similar to a scavenger hunt, teams solve tasks and questions all over the city area that are related to the topic of regionality, sustainability and nutrition.


Training tomorrow's skilled workers together

With its practice-integrated dual degree programme in business administration, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is responding to the wishes and requirements of the business community and at the same time making students fit for a career as a specialist or manager in the region. Companies can get an idea of the modern study programme at three information events in July, August and September.


Apply now for the Germany Scholarship (Deutschlandstipendium)

300 euros a month for performance and commitment - under this motto, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is once again awarding Germany Scholarships (Deutschlandstipendium) to particularly talented and committed students and applicants. Applications can be submitted until 4 p.m. on 15 August 2023.


Smart Mobility Institute presents study on the climate impact of refrigerated transport - online seminar on 20.07.2023

Increasing freight transport with the use of medium and heavy commercial vehicles has led to a sharp rise in CO2 emissions in the German transport sector. Over seven million tonnes of the climate-damaging gas could be saved. This is the result of a study conducted by the Smart Mobility Institute of the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences on behalf of NOW GmbH - National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology.


When love of home fills the stomach

Graduate Clara Baur designs cookbook with selected recipes from her great-grandmother


Cooperation instead of competition: The quality managers of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences exchange ideas with colleagues from Bremen

How do quality management, program development and university didactics work together? What advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges result from the different structures? These and other questions were discussed by 12 employees of the University of Bremen, the University of the Arts Bremen, the Universities of Bremen and Bremerhaven on July 7, 2023 at the third meeting of the QM departments.


Do animal cells grow on microalgae?

SerAZel" university project seeks alternative to animal culture media in cell research


Sport brings cultures together

International students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences put on a very special football tournament at the end of the semester. The football tournament continues in autumn. (Not only) football enthusiasts can now apply for one of the many attractive degree programmes.


Students research impact of self-designed posters on hydrogen and inclusion

How can posters effectively advertise the central Bremerhaven topics of "hydrogen" and "inclusion"? This is what students in the second semester of business administration researched in collaboration with Prof. Nicole Slink from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences.


HRK and DSW: Act quickly on BAföG structural reform

Joint Appeal by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) and the German Student Union (DSW) to the Federal Government


Giving voice to social injustices

Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences create social campaigns


Bremerhaven students optimize freezing method for storing algae

At the marine research institute Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) in Dunbeg, Oban in the west of Scotland, Tamara Schwenkler and Josephine Hotten, two students of Marine Resources Biotechnology at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, spent their three-month project phase.


Engineering student is the winner of this year's engine competition

Who constructs the fastest engine with the simplest means?


Learn new languages on your summer holiday

The Language Centre of the Universities in the State of Bremen (SZHB) offers a variety of language learning opportunities from August to October 2023. Anyone considering learning a new language or brushing up on their knowledge can choose between sign language, Korean, Dutch and other offerings. The Bildungszeit courses are open to all interested people in Bremerhaven.


Teaching Award 2023 goes to Prof. Dr Birgit Vock-Wannewitz

Award for innovative teaching methods and inspiring event concepts


Nina Kröncke receives Research Award from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Award for research activities in industrial insect rearing


Bremerhaven students visualise the cog find

Public vernissage on Thursday, 6 July, from 5 p.m.


Hydrogen filling stations: Driving the expansion of the infrastructure with digitalisation

Project "H2BPMM" develops demonstrator for digital decision support in the application process


Prof. Dr. Peter Ritzenhoff at "Wissen um 11"

Lecture on energy, heat and transport now online


Student Pheline Hanke accompanies sea rescuers in the Mediterranean for her bachelor thesis

Video documentaries about work on board and rescue operations


CEWS University Ranking: Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences occupies a place in the top group

Increasing the proportion of women among teachers and students in STEM subjects


ADC Talent Award 2023: Bronze nail goes to graduate of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Jaqueline Wolpmann receives award for Bachelor's thesis about mourning


A campus tour by mouse click

Business students make their university a virtual experience


From the dike to the ear: A city for all

Students from the university talk about their current poster project in the Bremerhaven Podcast


First "Summer Campus" at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences attracts with flea market and music

Public event on Saturday, 24 June, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences invites you to an informative campus walk

"Walk & Talk" for prospective students on Saturday, 24 June, from 10 a.m.


Facilitating the application process for hydrogen filling stations with digitalisation

University project H2BPMM shows research results on Monday, 12 June, from 2:30 p.m.


Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

Digital Info Event on Thursday, 1 June


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences brings students and regional companies together

Large job fair "CampusConnection" wants to help keep skilled workers in the region


University project "BeProf@BHV" fills first tandem position

New offer supports on the way to an HAW professorship


CHE Ranking 2023: Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences in the top group again

Top rating for support at the start of studies


10th Diversity Day at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences makes diversity visible

"Campus for All" on 23 May from 12:30 p.m.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences has a new digital home

Clear structure and fresh design make the website target group friendly


Student documentary "Männer" celebrates cinema premiere in Bremerhaven

Presentation followed by discussion on Tuesday 23 May at 3 p.m.


student representatives discuss with Bremen's science senator

Claudia Schilling and the board members of the Students' Committee and the Student Representative Council of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences talk about the financial situation and the life of students in Bremerhaven. In this context, university rector Alexis Papathanassis promotes a "Freizeitcampus" (leisure campus).


Reports from the field

Speakers from open youth work talk to students about areas of work and campaign planning.


What is social work about?

Open lecture series starts on Wednesday, 3 May


International Tourism Management" degree programme at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences starts in winter semester 2023/24

Focal points "Cruise Business" and "Innovation" prepare students for a variety of career paths in the tourism sector


ISSM students rehearse for the blackout

NDR documentary "45 min" on Monday 17 April at 10:00 p.m.


Radio Bremen reports on the study programme Foundation, Innovation, Leadership

Buten und Binnen article available online


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences welcomes new Bachelor and Master students

Evening event to get to know the campus and fellow students


How does sustainable energy consumption work?

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Fichter discusses climate change with primary school pupils


International exchange and perspectives

Delegation from the Danish partner university Esbjerg visits Bremerhaven


Sat.1 team shoots feature on climate-friendly sewage treatment plants

TV report shows research success of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences


Tinkering for the environment

Students from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences take part in international ITQ Makeathon in Gran Canaria


Digital Media Production course shows student work and projects

Large exhibition and Bremerhaven premiere of the films "24/7 - Students at the Limit" and "Fugitive Encounters" at "DMP Day" on 3 March


Bremerhaven student wins DAAD prize

Narin Ali convinces with excellent performance and versatile commitment


Making the practice visible with a new concept

First attendance campus day since the beginning of the pandemic attracts interested students to Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences


The university on TV

Prof. Dr. Hauke Hilz examines ready-made meals for "WissenHoch2"


Register for Girls' Day at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Online registration possible as of Monday, 30 January


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences in the "Search for Meaning"

Joint New Year's reception with the Friends sets a philosophical mood


Does mango go well with kohlrabi?

"ReformBio" explores the potential of food pairing in sugar reduction


Finally get a taste of campus air again

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences invites prospective students to Campus Day on 25 January


Students show their project work at "Tag der Informatik"

Lectures and exhibition on Thursday, 2 February, from 9:45 a.m.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences informs about Master's programmes

Digital event on Wednesday 18 January 2023 at 5pm


University Alliance for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses with a new board of directors

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Ritzenhoff appointed as new Managing Director


29 students receive a Deutschlandstipendium for special achievements

Many of the honorees do volunteer work in addition to their studies


Physician assistants are in demand in the healthcare system

53 future physician assistants began their studies at the university in the winter semester


What does "being a man" mean?

Student documentary about male images successful at film festivals


Radio Bremen 2 reports about LTW

A meat-reduced sausage developed at the university is the subject of the "Enjoyment" section


Food technology student Steffen Schulte receives scholarship from the Ulrich Florin Foundation

Award for very good academic performance and honorary commitment


Digital Media Production students produce trailer for Bremerhaven City Theater

Three theater productions were staged on film


Joint step for more skilled workers in social professions

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and AWO District Association work closely together


Students from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences successful in German Student Union poster competition

Critical examination of digital campus life


Fewer emissions from the fumigation of export goods

University project "redSF" develops method for degrading the insecticide sulfuryldifluoride


Students from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences win second place at Food Future Day 2022

Coarse sausage with vegetable share convinces jury and audience


By bike through the city

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and Bremerhaven Sports Youth teach migrant women how to ride a bike


Less sweet - just as delicious? What does science taste like?

Lecture by Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Buchecker and Lisa Nitze during "Science goes Public!" on November 17 at 8:30 p.m.


Well together through this autumn and winter

Open Dialogue on questions regarding the energy supply at the university


Bremerhaven students qualified for final round of digital capture-the-flag competition

Team Phish2Own travels to Bucharest for the largest cybersecurity conference in Central-Eastern Europe


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences receives science award

German-Japanese conference on offshore wind energy planned


Students from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences win CAMPUSiDEEN competition 2022

Caffeinated soft drink wins over the jury in the "Business Ideas" category


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences opens Climate Week 2022

Numerous lectures, workshops and discussion panels on climate protection


Moin freshman!

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences welcomes new students


The university on TV

ISSM study program in 3sat documentary on disaster control


Understanding and acting on climate change

Project "Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences for Future" offers varied program at Climate Week from October 13 to 15


Prof. Dr.-Ing Bettina Camin receives 2nd prize of the "Best Contribution Award" of the DGM

Award for lecture on the relationship between strains and porosity under creep loading in materials


Networking for social work in Bremerhaven

New course of studies starts with ceremony at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences


Less CO2 emissions from wastewater treatment plants

University project develops method to extract more biogas and recyclables from wastewater


Eat differently...

Action week attracts from 20 to 23 September with exciting impulse lectures and tastings on the subject of nutrition


Biorefineries under the banner of sustainability

Successful working meeting of the project "AQUACOMBINE" in Esbjerg


Different educational paths to become a logistics all-rounder

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences' Transportation/Logistics program opens up a wide range of career opportunities Application deadline is September 30


How much man does the machine need?

Prof. Dr. Matthias Lindemann as expert guest on "buten un binnen


Summer School Water starts the next round

Pupils conduct research at Bremerhaven science institutions starting September 12


"Climate academy" shows impact of climate change for reefs

Registrations for lecture on September 24 at 11 a.m. now possible


Mealworms pay attention to balanced diet

University project tests feeds in industrial insect rearing


Online shopping while window shopping

University project "R3" opens general store in Bremerhaven's city center


Science Mile attracts visitors to the Maritime Days 2022

Hands-on experiments at the university for young and old on August 19 and 20


Double degree in Cruise Tourism Management

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences launches double degree program with Thai partner university


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and companies train hopefuls together

The dual practice-integrated business administration degree programme starts in the winter semester of 2022/23 - Biljana Scholz is one of the first students


Students impress with creative billboard advertising

What makes an advertising poster successful? Students have investigated it


University and Studierendenwerk celebrate canteen opening with delicious cake

The result is an attractive and barrier-free recreation room that invites you to enjoy and learn


Training the skilled workers of tomorrow together

University of Applied Sciences and Paracelsus Clinic Bremen will train students in the subject "Physician Assistant" in the future


"ReformBIO" project tests natural sweeteners as sugar substitutes in organic foods

Crispy muesli with 30% less sugar convinces in tasting and analysis - guest at BIOFACH


With ice cream rolls, yogurt and hemp products against empty shop windows

Students open stores in downtown Bremerhaven


Student project "Phish2Own" collects virtual flags at hacking event

"Capture the flag" (CTF) is the name of a format that has been gaining popularity for some years now, not only in the sports sector but also in computer science.


Coral reefs and climate change

Due to illness, the lecture of the "Climate Academy" on July 16 is cancelled.


Scholarships for prospective students from low-income families

Application to Studierendenwerk Bremen is now possible


Campus walk with a professor

"Walk&Talk" for prospective students on July 9.


What makes a man a man?

Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences produce documentary film about male stereotypes


Exchange with representatives of companies

TWL students on excursion to international trade fair in Stuttgart


Foreign cultures in a professional context

German-Spanish joint seminar linking Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and the University of Vigo deals with intercultural specifics


What's inside the sausage?

Scientists at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences develop method for detecting mechanically separated meat


Prof. Dr. Ramona Bosse receives Research Award from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Award for outstanding research achievements


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences opens its doors at the Wasserstofftage Nordwest (Northwest Hydrogen Days)

Numerous actions from June 27 to July 1


How to deal with freshwater shortages and salinizing farmland?

Scientists from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences exchange ideas on the EU project AQUACOMBINE in Portugal


Bachelor degree program in social work at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences introduces itself

Information event on Friday, June 24, at 10 a.m.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences ensures a good climate

Electronic beats and ecological workshops made the first climate festival a sustainable experience


The ASQF, the GI-TAV and the GTB jointly honor Tilo Linz and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Spillner with the German Award for Software Quality 2022

Member of the Board of Trustees Prof. Dr.-Ing Karin Vosseberg congratulates award winners


Students from Poland learn with their fellow students in Bremerhaven

18th German-Polish joint seminar in 2022 between the University of Bremerhaven and the Gdynia Maritime University


Cell research begins in the bachelor's degree

University establishes first laboratory for animal cell culture technology in Bremerhaven


A breath of fresh air for the promotion of international exchange relations

WindMW Service GmbH supports the maintenance of international cooperations of the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences


Semesterticket turns into 9-Euro-Ticket

From June 2022 up to and including August 2022, you can travel throughout Germany with a semester ticket without having to buy a separate 9-euro ticket.


Can cruises and marine conservation be reconciled?

Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexis Papathanassis discusses sustainable tourism in the context of the Ocean Decade


Open Lab in the "engine room"

Bremerhaven AI Lab invites visitors to visit on Fridays and Saturdays


Sustainable urban development at the "Climate Academy

Lecture series shows the "Transversal City" on Saturday, June 11 at 11 a.m.


"ReformBIO" project seeks participants for consumer survey

With the help of the collected data, healthier products can be developed that meet the needs of consumers


"SCIENCE meets BUSINESS" demonstrates entrepreneurship at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Lectures and discussion on June 2 at 6 p.m.


How does one become a seafarer?

Study mentor Alexander talks about the ship operation technology course in the podcast "Schauermann's Geschichten".


Less sugar, but not always lesser calories

Research project at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences shows: In the process of implementing the National Reduction and Innovation Strategy, the reduction of energy content has so far happened too infrequently


"Diversity as a win!"

Impulse workshop for women from Bremerhaven on May 9


"Saving energy against Putin" as an opportunity for climate and economy

"Climate Academy" lecture series on Saturday, May 14, at 11 a.m.


Students produce documentary film about Bremerhaven at night

Looking for more night stories of the city


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences opens new self-study rooms with modern equipment

Flexible room layout offers students ideal learning environment


New study programs at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences to start in winter semester 2022/23

Applications open from May


Cafeteria from now on open until 4 p.m.

Additional seating in L001


Freshmen start at university

Welcoming the new bachelor and master students digitally


"Engine room" in nationwide competition

Successful application for a digital project of the Bremerhaven Experience and the University of Applied Sciences


International exchange within an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences welcomes students from European partner universities


What is the contribution of peatlands to climate protection?

"Climate Academy" lecture series focuses on opportunities for rewetting peatlands in Lower Saxony


Fleeting encounters

Student film project about refugees in Bremerhaven shown at Filmfest Bremen


Offshore Wind Energy MBA supports new training format at Polish university

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences signs cooperation agreement with the University of Gdynia


Offshore Wind Energy MBA inspires partners in Japan

Further cooperation between European and Japanese institutions planned


Experience science in Bremerhaven with "AUREA"

University students program app prototype


"SerAZel" project tests use of red algae as nutrient medium for cell cultures

Researchers seek sustainable alternative to current preparations


"Climate Academy" lecture series sheds light on possible climate developments

Digital event on Saturday, March 12 at 11 a.m.


Is green hydrogen going to turn on the lights for us in the future?

Lecture by Prof. Dr.-Ing Uwe Werner at "Science goes Public" on March 17


Project "R3" opens general store in "wunderwerft" Bremerhaven

New showcase attracts with regional products


Computer science students create prototype for virtual learning environment

"DigiSchulLab" could make distance learning more interactive


Strengthening the region through applied science- German Agency for Transfer and Innovation (DATI)

Impulses and discussions at the 6th Berlin Transfer Conference of the University Alliance for SMEs


Digital Girls' Day at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Registrations open from March 1


"Concentrated studio knowledge with one click".

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences participates in nationwide campaign for prospective students on Sunday, February 20 at 5 p.m.


Online concert above the roofs of Bremerhaven

"EDM meets Classic - Cas Paris & Classical Orchestra" launches Feb. 20 on YouTube


"Climate academy" deals with psychological aspects of environmental protection

Digital lecture on Saturday, February 19


Fewer emissions when protecting against pests

"redSF" research project seeks climate-friendly technical solutions


Third research cluster at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences included in HRK research map

Tourism and Management convinces with numerous research activities


Ingrid Francine Djieya Nkengni receives DAAD Prize

Student honored for achievements and social commitment


Students show projects at "Computer Science Day"

Virtual exhibition and presentations on Thursday, February 3


Expanding wind energy faster - with the help of artificial intelligence

AI-based geo-information system aims to predict wind energy project's chances of success


Student film project awarded at Europe Film Festival in London

Award for best documentary short film goes to Bremerhaven


Smart Mobility Institute founded at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Research focuses on sustainable logistics


More load security for heavy transports

Student at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences investigates effects of emergency braking on heavy loads


Climate Academy starts the new year with three exciting lectures

Registrations are possible now


More targeted through your studies with a potential analysis

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences sets up "Business Forum" for business administration students


Under the motto "Trade sustainably and buy locally!" stationary and online trade merge

Cooperation between retail, university and city marketing revives empty shop window areas in Bremerhaven's city centre


University project starts production of green hydrogen in MICROGRID container

Model construction to soon deliver important results on Co2-neutral energy supply


New Bachelor's degree programme "Engineering" starts in winter semester 2022/23

Study structure makes choice of focus for engineering degree programmes more flexible


Relief instead of discharge

Artificial intelligence and its potential at SCIENCE meets BUSINESS


Temporary reduction of the attendance offer from 13 December 2021 to 9 January 2022

Statement by the universities and the Senator for Science and Ports on the further course of the winter semester 2021/22


Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences publish magazine

"Oblique" sheds light on alternative lifestyles


Science senator enthusiastic about application-oriented teaching

Dr Claudia Schilling (SPD) visited Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences to get an idea of various research projects.


Extreme weather at the Climate Academy

Lecture shows effects of climate change on the weather


"We cannot change the wind, but we can set the sails differently!"

Annual academic reception dedicated to the theme "Creative awakening in Bremerhaven"


"You don't want to experience heartquakes"

Student at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences wants to raise awareness about heart attacks in women with a campaign


The university is making headlines!

GIF study programme presented in the "Welt am Sonntag" / Praise for part-time study in the "Nordsee-Zeitung".


"Language is the key to being in!"

Immigration stories from the university at "Bunt am Meer"


Hydrogen - the world saviour and the solution for everything?

Prof. Dr Fichter in an interview with Radio Bremen Zwei


We mourn the death of Thorsten Vollmer

It is with great dismay that we have learned of the sudden death of our long-time colleague. He passed away on 1 November 2021 at the age of 59.


"Bremerhaven paints" digital paintings

Multimedia installation turns people into artists as they pass by


"Schnuppervorlesungen" start again

More than 100 courses open to prospective students


Artificial intelligence - potentials for regional SMEs

"SCIENCE meets BUSINESS" virtual on 18 November at 6:30 p.m.


Rescue for the fish stocks

Climate Academy deals with sustainable use of the oceans


Immigration stories from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Hybrid event on 2 November 2021 at 5 pm


Maritime city rescuers on the lookout for new recruits

Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences produce recruiting films for the Bremerhaven Fire Department


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences concludes cooperation agreement with the German Association for Transactional Analysis e.V.

Social work degree programme enables students to obtain additional certificate


Certificate award in the BreLogIK project

Innovation ambassadors for Bremen logistics successfully complete further training


100 per cent renewable energy - is this possible?

Prof. Dr. - Ing. Carsten Fichter gives lectures at the Pupils Climate Summit


Starting signal for the „Hochschule Bremerhaven for Future“ project

Actions at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences to contribute to climate protection


CANCELLED: "Science goes Public!" - Science at the counter

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Hauke Hilz will not take place


Freshmen start at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Welcoming the new students in the virtual room


Mayor Bovenschulte presents the Cross of Merit to Prof. Michael Vogel

Honour for social commitment at the "Zeitschrift der Straße"


Climate Academy at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences provides insights into current research topics

Lecture series starts on Saturday, 16 October at 11 a.m.


A kissing mouth is a talking point

Students of Digital Media Production draw attention to the topic of gender with a campaign


University project goes on air

Customised sunglasses from the 3D printer - Radio Bremen asks about the background


More safety for drinking water

BIAMOL works on rapid test for legionella in the "Legiomer" project


Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences develop energy concept for house in need of renovation

Cooperation with the "Bürger 218" learning site


Glasses for every face shape

Medical technology students develop customised sunglasses


Mealybug larvae like brewer's yeast

Insect project at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences demonstrates influence of substrate on growth for the first time


Research-based technology transfer as a doctoral topic

Benjamin Küther is the first doctoral student to use cooperation with the University of Bremen


Inn2POWER is "Project of the Month July" of the Interreg North Sea Programme

Project convinces with new impulses for the offshore wind industry


Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences on disaster relief duty after storms

Support for aid organisations in the crisis regions


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and inform about scholarship opportunities

Digital information event on Wednesday 18 August at 16:30


Digital exchange programme for logistics students uses advantages of online teaching

Learning Agreement with French partner university starts in winter semester 2021/2022


Entertaining scavenger hunt through Bremerhaven

Register now for the Scavenger Hunt from 26 July to 9 AugustRegister now for the Scavenger Hunt from 26 July to 9 August


Student project "Asante Sanaa" in the final of the Generation-D competition

Travelling exhibition supplemented by 100 works of art by Tanzanian artists


Studierendenwerk Bremen awards scholarships for prospective students from low-income families

Application possible until 15 September 2021


From the idea to your own start-up in one weekend

Digital Startup Weekend at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences from 16 to 18 July


Insect project at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences nominated for research prize

Automated rearing of mealworms to drive use in animal feeds


"WISSEN SCHAFFT LEBENSRAUM" submits alliance motion

Interim office set up at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences


Prof. Dr. Carsten Fichter heads the "Hydrogen Hubs" field of action of the North German Hydrogen Strategy

Development of a green hydrogen economy planned by 2035


Prof. Dr Benjamin Wagner vom Berg receives first Research Award from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Jury recognises many years of outstanding research activities


Sauce chocolates against food waste

Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences develop sustainable product idea


DMP Day 2021

Digital Media Production students present their projects


Start-ups beware: CAMPUSiDEEN 2021 competition starts

Application deadline is 9 July 2021


A new challenge every day

Graduate Sören Makel now coordinates the office set up for the corona pandemic in Bremerhaven


Month of taster lectures at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Numerous courses open to prospective students


Diversity in Games (?)

Digital event on the representation of gender in computer games


USE-IT: Made by locals

Graduates create city map with insider tips


Certificate handover instead of blockbuster

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences moves graduation ceremony to drive-in cinema


Living and studying together in a self-determined way

German Diversity Day at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences focuses on inclusive studying


Digital Career Days go into the second round

Registrations still possible until 24.05. 2021


Sunny prospects

Student analyses potential of photovoltaic systems in companies


Student project "Asante Sanaa" in penultimate round of start-up competition

Online voting decides on entry into the final


"An important step for the people in Germany".

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences welcomes climate ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court


Hydrogen microgrid test lab set up at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Scientists research the energy supply of tomorrow


Series of events informs about the study programme Foundation, Innovation, Leadership

Places still available for Info Call on Friday, 7 May at 2 p.m.


CHE Ranking: Computer Science at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences belongs to the top group

Results attest to very good study entry phase and practical orientation


This is the future

Mak-Pak and Mak-Pak Scale-Up projects selected for "Week of the Environment


Studying with disabilities

Diversity Day 2021 at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences focuses on inclusive learning


Innovative concepts for green logistics

SCIENCE meets BUSINESS on 20 May 2021


At the limit!

Students produce documentary film about stress during studies


Research Award announced for the first time

Applications possible as of now


Offshore Wind Energy Further Education at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences accredited as Joint Degree MBA

Module structure enables flexible course of study


Universities assume social responsibility in the region

5th Transfer Conference of the University Alliance for SMEs showcases innovative research projects


Insights into everyday working life in the media industry

Digital Media Production degree programme launches the "Beyond" digital lecture series


Through the summer semester with resilience

Free seminar supports students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences


Little researchers in difficult times

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences supports early childhood education in STEM subjects


Digital taster week "Campus:MINT" helps with study orientation

Registrations now possible


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences receives funding to implement its climate protection concept

Holistic approach to minimise CO2 emissions


Service worker "Pepper" is coming

Students make humanoid robot fit for tourism


Start of studies for Master students

University welcomes freshmen in virtual room


Sustainable alternative to plastic and co.

Mak-Pak Scale-up project aims to make packaging from macroalgae suitable for mass production


Public statement of the Academic Senate on the discussion of the key values of the Science Plan

Resolution of the Academic Senate of 23 March in the wording


Female Entrepreneurship at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Students present their project results on 26 March


H2Cool Prelude - Cool transport with hydrogen trucks

Starting signal for fewer emissions from frozen food transports by lorry


Nutri-Score - a win-win situation?

Research project at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences deals with reformulation strategy and nutri-score in the organic sector


A new online platform for regional retail

R3 - Resilient Regional Retail" project receives funding from the Northwest Metropolitan Region


Prof. Dr Felicitas Berger receives Teaching Award

Professor at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences receives award for excellent teaching


Bremerhaven University Staff Council writes open letter to the Bremen Senate

Due to the discussed discontinuation of the budget increases that were planned for the public universities of the state of Bremen within the framework of the Science Plan 2025, the staff council of the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences has written an open letter to the Bremen Senate.


Career & I: WomenPower 2021

Studium Generale course on personal career planning has free places


Rector of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences comments on discussed cost-cutting measures

Impacts for the region would be felt for years to come


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences sets up practice-integrated dual course of study in food technology/food management

Information events for interested companies on Thursday, 11 March


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences introduces voluntary quick tests for examinations

Increased protection for students and examiners


Moin Campus!

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences invites interested parties to the digital open day on Monday, 1 March


Change of Rector at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Alexis Papathanassis takes over as Rector on Monday, 15 February


Sponsoring association and Volksbank make it possible to lend ten notebooks to students

New possibilities for online teaching at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences establishes social work degree programme

Admission of first students planned for winter semester 2022/2023


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences invites you to the Virtual Computer Science Day

Students present project results


"Zeitschrift der Straße" turns ten years young

Multi-award-winning social and learning enterprise supports homeless people


Explore, conquer, create in virtual space

Zukunft:MINT enables young women to engage in supra-regional exchange


Research project "NaCl - Sustainable Crowd Logistics" successfully completed

Project results show opportunities for stationary retail in times of e-commerce


Register for the digital Girls' Day at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Online registration possible from Tuesday, 2 February, 9 a.m.


Digital lecture series "Sustainable Food Production in Town and Country" starts today

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is part of the federal project: WISSEN SCHAFFT LEBENSRAUM (WSL)


Asante Sanaa - Tanzanian Art in the Wardrobe

Students at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences support campaign for Tanzanian artists