1. meeting 15.10.2024 (stock date)
2. meeting 17.12.2024 (stock date)
3. meeting 21.01.2025
4. meeting 18.02.2025 (stock date)
5. meeting 18.03.2025
Academic Senate
The highest board of the university is the Academic Senate. It is democratically elected and makes all decisions of fundamental importance in the areas of study, teaching and research. Its area of activity is regulated in the Bremen Higher Education Act (Bremisches Hochschulgesetz).
The Academic Senate is made up of 17 members who, with the exception of the deans, are elected by their status group. Seven professors and four employees are elected for a term of office of two years, two of whom are technical employees and two of whom are administrative employees. They are currently elected from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2025. The four student members are elected annually. Their current term of office runs from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025. The Rector chairs the Academic Senate without voting rights. The entire Rectorate acts in an advisory capacity. The meetings are generally open to the public.
Meeting dates
1. meeting 15.04.2025 (stock date)
2. meeting 20.05.2025
3. meeting 17.06.2025
4. meeting 16.09.2025
Member (Substitution)
Prof. Dr. Hauke Hilz (Prof. Dr. Emina Cudic)
Prof. Dr. Steffen Großmann (Prof. Dr. Birte Kemmerling)
Prof. Dr. Mathias Lindemann (Prof. Dr. Karsten Peter)
Prof. Dr. Axel Gottschalk (Prof. Dr. Jana Hummel)
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Wagner vom Berg (Prof. Dr. Jochem Piontek)
Prof. Dr. Dominic Kudlacek
Prof. Dr. Oliver Radfelder
Member for Faculty 1 (Substitution)
Prof. Dr. Günter Deiler (Prof. Dr. Uwe Werner)
Member for Faculty 2 (Substitution)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Feldmeier (Prof. Dr. Birgit Vock-Wannewitz)
Members (Substitution)
Susanne Zerbst (Kerstin Rose-Schott)
Christine Renske Müller (Daniel Schönbohm)
Member (Substitution)
Antje Mües (Holger Steenbock)
Ann-Cathrin Scheider
Member (Substitution)
Franjo Gießel (Julia Kaeten)
Berkan Genc (Anton Hein)
Fabian Lignitz (Julia Kaeten)
Lilith Fee Krauss (Jeremy Bissel)
2014: Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Sander
2003: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans Rummel
2000: Prof. Dr. med. Wilhelm Kröncke (†)
1994: Hans Dietrich Genscher, Bundesminister a. D. (†)
Faculty councils
The Faculty Council is a body established in accordance with the Bremen Higher Education Act (BremHG) at universities in the federal state of Bremen. Paragraphs 87 and 88 of the Bremen Higher Education Act regulate the tasks and composition of the Faculty Council.