Doing a PhD should be well considered. Taking up a doctorate marks the beginning of a long, challenging and often precarious phase of life.
We offer scholars a cooperative PhD. A cooperative PhD is conducted in cooperation with a university and PhD students are supervised at Bremerhaven as well as at the cooperating institution. The doctoral degree is awarded by the cooperating university.
Hochschule Bremerhaven has an agreement of cooperation with the University of Bremen for doing cooperative PhDs. The University of Bremen supports scholars of Hochschule Bremerhaven in finding a supervisor for their PhD project. However, a cooperation with every other university is possible and encouraged. Currently PhD students of our Hochschule cooperate with a variety of different institutions.
Note also that it will soon be possible to do a PhD directly at Bremerhaven for specific research fields. (More information will be availabe here soon.)
We offer PhD students and researchers interested in doing a PhD different kinds of support: individual counseling, networking, advanced training and financial support for starting a PhD at Bremerhaven.
Individual counseling for scholars interested in doing a PhD may adress the following questions: Why do a PhD? How and where do I find funding? How do I get started?
Individual counseling for scholars already doing a PhD may take up the following issues and questions: funding, follow-up funding, timeline, find a supervisor, find partners for cooperative PhD, PhD milestones (registration, exposé/synopsis, thesis defence, etc.), motivation, self-organization, networking local and as part of a scientific community.
Feel free make an appointment if you are interested in PhD counseling (see Link below).
Doing a PhD in Bremerhaven and interested in Exchange? There is a monthly meeting of PhD students at Hochschule Bremerhaven. Everyone is free to join. Get in touch via mail.
Doing a PhD should be well considered. Taking up a doctorate marks the beginning of a long, challenging and often precarious phase of life.
In germany a PhD scholarship is awarded by the 13 'Begabtenförderwerke'. PhD students apply with their research project and if the scholarship is granted may be funded up to three years. A scholarship offers a lot of flexibility and freedom but scholars need to actively seek contact to research instituions and build their own network in the scientific community.
A position in a research project offers financial security for the duration of the project and integration in the daily work and research of the project. However, the topic for your PhD project is often restricted by the projects general research agenda and there is less room for your own focus.
A regular position at a university or Hochschule offers the same benefits and drawbacks as a position in a research project. However, a regular position at a university also entails teaching obligations and a very close relationship to your professor/supervisor. Regular positions are rare at the Hochschule.
PhD students of Hochschule Bremerhaven meet and talk regulargly, everyone is free to join!
There is a special gender related career service for female PhD students.
While your are working on your doctorate you should meet your supervisors regularly to discuss your work. Also it is desirable to share your work with your scientific community at conferences or workshops.
To finish your PhD you need to hand in your thesis, defend your arguments in a colloquium and publish your work.
We can support you every step of the way.
Scholarships for Internationals
Scholarships for internationals.pdf 789,6 KB , PDF
Doing_a_PhD_in_Germany.pdf 2,8 MB , PDF
ZeitCampus_Ratgeber_Promotion.pdf 5,4 MB , PDF
Events and workshops of our own Organisationsentwicklung may also be of interest for PhD students.
Finally: PhD students of Hochschule Bremerhaven are able to attend workshops and events at University of Bremens Early Career Researcher Development (BYRD). BYRD offers workshops and events for PhD students and young scholars:
Ongoing PhD projects at Bremerhaven
Arbeitstitel: Navigating the dark side: Fostering resilience in entrepreneurship education
Fachbereich/Institut: FB 2, Management & Informationssysteme
Betreuer:in HS Bremerhaven: Prof. Dr. Stephanie Birkner
Kooperationsuniversität: KIT- Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (Prof. Dr. Orestis Terzidis)
Arbeitstitel: Markterfolg durch Technologietransfer - Die Rolle der Fachhochschulen im Transferprozess
Fachbereich/Institut: Institute for Management and Economics
Betreuer:in HS Bremerhaven: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Feldmeier, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lukas
Kooperationsuniversität: Universität Bremen, Institute of Project Management and Innovation (Prof. Dr. Martin G. Möhrle)
Arbeitstitel: Serumfreie Zellkultur mit algenbasierten Additiven SerAZel
Fachbereich/Institut: FB1
Betreuer:in HS Bremerhaven: Prof. Dr. Imke Lang
Kooperationsuniversität: Universität Bremen (Prof. Dr. Tilmann Harder)
Arbeitstitel: Spatio temporal diversity in German brown shrimp fishery
Fachbereich/Institut: Biotechnologie der Marinen Ressourcen
Betreuer:in HS Bremerhaven: Prof. Dr. Rabea Diekmann
Kooperationsuniversität: Universität Oldenburg (Prof. Dr. Oscar Puebla)
Fachbereich/Institut: FB1, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik
Betreuer:in HS Bremerhaven: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Gottschalk
Kooperationsuniversität: Universität Bremen, Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie (Prof. Dr. Laurie C. Hofmann)
Homepage: Projekt-Webseite AQUACOMBINE
Completet PhD Projects
Arbeitstitel: Konzeption und Implementation eines kulturwirksamen Gleichstellungscontrolling für eine kleine, naturwissenschaftlich-technisch geprägte Fachhochschule
Fachbereich/Institut: Professorinnenprogramm III
Betreuer:in HS Bremerhaven: Prof. Dr. Miriam O'Shea
Kooperationsuniversität: Universität Vechta (Prof. Dr. Corinna Onnen)
Dissertation: Hier open access lesen