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Study programme

Ship Operations Technology (Schiffsbetriebstechnik) Bachelor of Science

Forging tomorrow's ship operations technicians

The world's oceans are the largest transport route for all kinds of goods. As the global economy continues to evolve, the volume of transport is increasing rapidly to keep pace. In this context, maritime shipping is the most efficient and ecological mode of transport for goods between countries and continents. With the increasing demand for transport space on ships, the need for highly qualified personnel to operate the technical systems of ships is also growing. Rising standards of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, safety and security and the increasing complexity of the systems are shaping the challenges facing marine engineers. The training and education programme for marine engineers is one of the cornerstones of the maritime profile at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. Ship Operations Technology is the oldest study programme at this university. Close contacts with shipping companies, shipyards and the machine industry ensure that the programme content always remains highly relevant.

Why choose this programme

  • High proportion of practical content

    The study programme includes 18 months of integrated practical training.
  • Practice-based learning

    Laboratory exercises on operating machines and extensive practical exercises on the engine room simulator
  • Diverse career prospects

    Graduates in Ship Operations Technology can work independently and successfully in all areas of marine and energy technology, both nationally and internationally.

Your future in ship operations technology

Activities, research and professional profile

The study of Ship Operations Technology (Schiffsbetriebstechnik) qualifies graduates for management of the technical, operational and human resources of onboard and terrestrial machinery systems. With a bachelor's degree in Ship Operations Technology, the graduate is eligible to apply for an Engineer Watchkeeper Certificate of Competency. After twelve months of sea service, service as a Technical Officer (Marine Engineer) Class 2 can begin. After a further 12 months' service as a Marine Engineer Class 2, the candidate is authorised to manage a ship's engine with 'unlimited power' (as a chief engineer). However, there is also a need for well-trained marine engineers for technical ship management services on land. Likewise, marine engineering specialists are required in the maritime supply industry and maritime administrations. These professionals often carry out activities in the field of energy supply and technical plant management on land.

Facts about the study programme

  • Degree of Studies

    Bachelor of Science
  • Study Form

    Full-time study
  • Term of Admission

  • Term of Admission

    Winter and Summer semester
  • Main Course Language

  • Standard Period of Study

    8 Semester

Unlock your potential

The study programme begins with a professional practice semester (practical training) in engine room service on board a seagoing vessel for the students to acquaint themselves with the professional environment. This is followed by a Stage 1 period of study of three semesters comprising subjects on the fundamentals of the natural sciences and engineering, such as mathematics, engineering mechanics and electrical engineering. However, course-specific modules such as maritime economics, maritime English and operational and hazardous materials are also on the programme. Courses on the operation of machine systems essentially take place in the more advanced stages of study. These include, for instance, combustion engines, electrical machinery and the field of automation engineering. Instruction in maritime law, operations management and occupational health and safety supplements the higher stages of the programme. As well as laboratory exercises on operating machines, simulator exercises are also used extensively for knowledge transfer and knowledge testing. The seventh semester is set aside for completing the second professional practice semester, which prepares the student for service as an engineer watchkeeper. The eighth semester is earmarked for completion of the bachelor's thesis.

Programme overview

Admission and application

Learn more about the study programme

Ship Operations Technology

If you have any questions we will be happy to help you Student Advisery Service, Study Mentor, Head of Programme