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Study programme

Marine Resource Biotechnology (Biotechnologie der Marinen Ressourcen) Bachelor of Science

Apply until 15 March 2025 for a start in the summer semester.

Using the resources of the sea

The diversity of challenges currently faced by society, such as climate change and pandemics, require the development of innovative and sustainable solutions: this is where biotechnologists can make an important contribution. Biotechnology involves interdisciplinary work and combines the fields of bioanalytics with bioprocess engineering and the use of organisms and cells. In the Biotechnology of Marine Resources bachelor degree program, we focus in particular on the sea and investigate the diversity of marine resources and their potential for biotechnological use. The work and research opportunities offered by the Alfred Wegener Institute, the Thünen Institutes and regional and supra-regional companies, among others, provide a wide range of opportunities to gain practical experience in marine resource use.

Rational for  the study program

  • Future oriented

    Unique degree program tapping into the biotechnological potential of the ocean.
  • Strong cooperation

    Direct access to renowned marine research institutes such as the AWI and Thünen
  • Double Degree

    Starting from the 6th semester, students can study at the Universidad EAFIT in Medellin in Colombia and obtain a double degree

Your future in biotechnology

Activities, research and job profile

As a "Bachelor of Science", biotechnologists have access to a wide range of future and market-relevant fields of occupation. In addition to continuing their studies (MSc program), biotechnologists can work in academic research as well as in applied research in biotechnology companies, medical diagnostics or microbial production and drug development / production in large and small companies and institutes. With a special focus on the sea, there are also career prospects in the field of environmental consulting/management for coastal and offshore projects as well as for bio-resource utilization such as passive/active fishing and aquaculture.

Facts about the degree program

  • Degree of Studies

    Bachelor of Science
  • Study Form

    Full-time study
  • Term of Admission

  • Term of Admission

    Winter and Summer semester
  • Main Course Language

  • Standard Period of Study

    7 Semester

The best of 'Marine resources' and 'Bio-Analytic'

Students have the opportunity to participate in diverse practical courses where they get hands-on experience in marine resource use and bioanalytics.
Some of the highlights of this study program are excursions to Spiekeroog, Dorum-Neufeld, Helgoland, coastal healthlands and regional aquaculture facilities.


Programme overview

Admission and application

Learn more about the study programme

Marine Resource Biotechnology

If you have any questions we will be happy to help you Student Advisery Service, Study Mentor, Head of Programme


Marine Resource Biotechnology

Hi there! I'm Christina and I've been studying Biotechnology of Marine Resources since 2020. I'm happy to be your student mentor as I'm happy to share my experiences and tips with you. Whether you have questions about studying, life in Bremerhaven or everyday university life, I'm here for you. Let's make the most of this exciting time at university!