The Bachelor's degree program comprises of seven semesters. Biological and non-biological basics are taught in the first two semesters, including mathematics, physics and chemistry, zoology, botany and marine biology. In the following semesters, the content of the two specializations "Marine Resources" and "Bioanalytics" is taught. In the last two semesters, students have the opportunity to work scientifically in applied research projects and in biotechnological companies during the project phase and the subsequent practical phase. The modules generally comprise 3 semester hours per week (SWS), whereby 1 SWS is usually completed in the laboratory. There are a total of 42 modules, usually comprising 5 credit points (CP) per module and 30 CPs per semester. In total, 210 CP are awarded for the Bachelor's degree. The university also offers the opportunity to complete a double degree at the EAFIT University of Medellin in Colombia
Using the resources of the sea
The diversity of challenges currently faced by society, such as climate change and pandemics, require the development of innovative and sustainable solutions: this is where biotechnologists can make an important contribution. Biotechnology involves interdisciplinary work and combines the fields of bioanalytics with bioprocess engineering and the use of organisms and cells. In the Biotechnology of Marine Resources bachelor degree program, we focus in particular on the sea and investigate the diversity of marine resources and their potential for biotechnological use. The work and research opportunities offered by the Alfred Wegener Institute, the Thünen Institutes and regional and supra-regional companies, among others, provide a wide range of opportunities to gain practical experience in marine resource use.
Rational for the study program
Future oriented
Unique degree program tapping into the biotechnological potential of the ocean.Strong cooperation
Direct access to renowned marine research institutes such as the AWI and ThünenDouble Degree
Starting from the 6th semester, students can study at the Universidad EAFIT in Medellin in Colombia and obtain a double degree
Your future in biotechnology
Activities, research and job profile
As a "Bachelor of Science", biotechnologists have access to a wide range of future and market-relevant fields of occupation. In addition to continuing their studies (MSc program), biotechnologists can work in academic research as well as in applied research in biotechnology companies, medical diagnostics or microbial production and drug development / production in large and small companies and institutes. With a special focus on the sea, there are also career prospects in the field of environmental consulting/management for coastal and offshore projects as well as for bio-resource utilization such as passive/active fishing and aquaculture.
Facts about the degree program
Degree of Studies
Bachelor of ScienceStudy Form
Full-time studyTerm of Admission
admission-freeTerm of Admission
Winter and Summer semesterMain Course Language
GermanStandard Period of Study
7 Semester
The best of 'Marine resources' and 'Bio-Analytic'
Students have the opportunity to participate in diverse practical courses where they get hands-on experience in marine resource use and bioanalytics.
Some of the highlights of this study program are excursions to Spiekeroog, Dorum-Neufeld, Helgoland, coastal healthlands and regional aquaculture facilities.
Programme overview
The practical phase is scheduled during the seventh semester and can be completed in Germany or abroad. The aim is to get to know the working methods and tasks of biotechnology companies, research institutes or other universities. During the practical phase, students are supervised by a professor from the degree program and they often have the opportunity to work on and complete their Bachelor's thesis at a relevant institution. The lecturers and staff of the BMR degree program will also be happy to support you in your search for a suitable destination: be it an internship at an institution, a semester abroad or a thesis abroad.
The Biotechnology of Marine Resources degree program focuses on two areas: "Marine (Bio)Resources" and "Bioanalytics". In addition to basic biological principles, economically important marine habitats and their resources are important content of the "Marine (Bio)Resources" specialization. Oceanography, marine flora and fauna and the importance of aquaculture, fisheries, microorganisms and the natural substances obtained from them are taught. This is supplemented by (bio)technological focal points and management topics such as integrated coastal zone management and ecosystem sustainability. In the "Bioanalytics" specialization, molecular genetic and biochemical methods prepare you for the rapid developments in medical, food and biotechnological diagnostics. In addition to classic state-of-the-art analysis methods, innovative "next generation" methods are also taught.
Admission and application
A general higher education entrance qualification, entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences or an educational qualification recognized as equivalent is required for admission to the bachelor program. In addition, since spring 2024, a 3-year apprenticeship leads to a subject-specific university entrance qualification. If you have any questions about admission and, in particular, about options for studying without a higher education entrance qualification, please contact the Admissions Office and the Student Advisory Service.
For foreign students, the admission requirement is language level C1 in German.
The "Biotechnologie der Marinen Ressourcen" (BMR) study programme admits students every semester. The regular application deadline for the winter semester is 15 August, while the deadline for the summer semester is 15 February. Please apply online through our ecampus application portal where you can upload all the necessary documents.
The Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is a member of UNI-ASSIST (Application Services for International Students). Prospective students who have gained their university entrance qualification outside the European Union (EU) can therefore submit their application directly to UNI-ASSIST.
To ensure sufficient processing time, the application for the winter semester should be submitted to UNI-ASSIST by June 30. After successful examination, the application will be forwarded to Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. The processing of the application by UNI-ASSIST is subject to a fee.
You can find further information on the application procedure on the Registration and Examination Office’s website.
Please take advantage of the offers for prospective students to help you find out more before your study commences.
Learn more about the study programme
Marine Resource Biotechnology