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Bird's eye view of containers on transshipment yard

Smart Mobility Institute


The Research Institute conducts research and development on a regional, national and international level within the research framework of Smart Mobility.

With regard to freight transport, the research framework can be described as follows: "Smart Logistics addresses the redesign of logistics with the goal of greater efficiency and resilience, taking into account all three aspects of sustainability: Ecology, Society, Economy. This includes the redesign of logistics processes to be environmentally and climate-friendly, the creation of fairer, more secure and more satisfying employment relationships in a long-term stable economic system, and the consideration of a fair distribution of resources (between and within generations). Digitalization is the central enabler. It is not an end in itself, but a means to an end, namely to enable logistics that do justice to all three dimensions of sustainability. "

This is done within the framework of applied research and, in its cooperative form, is also interpreted as a service in the areas of business, the public sector and society in the implementation of sustainability in all three dimensions. This is the only way, for example, to achieve the overarching climate goals and for research to contribute to the necessary transformation in these areas through direct implementation.




The aim of the KuPoB project is the conceptual design of the conversion of a police vehicle to a fuel cell vehicle under taking into account the multifunctional operational requirements. Furthermore the operating and investment costs and the savings potential of resources, energy and emissions are examined.


The core object of the NaCl project is the development and piloted application of an novel, socially, ecologically and economically sustainable last mile logistics system based on a crowd approach, in which studentical drivers are allocated on-demand to transport orders during peak loads with electric bicycles.


The aim of H2BPMM is to develop the necessary infrastructure for the H2-drive technology through a standardized description of the processes in the form of models and to make the processes more transparent. A exemplary process is the approval of stationary and mobile H2 filling stations.


H2Cool is researching how H2- and fuel cell technology can be used in temperature-controlled logistics. The aim is to develop a technical, ecological, economic, legal and safety-relevant concepts for H2 technology in temperature-controlled transport and to prepare the prototypical implementation of an H2 refrigerated trailer.


The main subject of the R3 project is the conception and software-technical design of a regional retail platform for the Northwest Metropolitan Region. The goal is to strengthen the competitiveness of the regional retail trade and the regional cooperation of retailers and logistics service providers.


The aim of the sH2unter@ports project is to create a concept for the smooth and operational integration of H2-powered shunting locomotives in the overseas ports of Bremerhaven and Hamburg. In a follow-up project, this serves as the basis for the prototype development of the locomotive by Alstom.


O'Shea M. (2024) Durch Customer Centricity zu optimierten Workflows, in: O'Gorman S., Schuster G.,Customer Centricity - Innovative Unternehmenspraxis: Insights, Strategien und Impulse, Springer Gabler, S. 139 - 156

O'Shea M, Bilan Z (2024) Erfolgsfaktoren für die Implementierung von ERP-Systemen in KMU, ERP Information, 1/2024, S. 31 - 35

33. Münchener Gefahrgut-Tage 2023: Notfall-/Krisenmanagement bei Gefahrgutunregelmäßigkeiten in der Logistikkette, München, 15. Mai 2023
