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Prof. Dr. Rabea Diekmann

  • Functions: Konrektorin für Forschung, Transfer & Weiterbildung
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Forschungsgebiete: Bewertung von Ökosystemzuständen: Zeitserien- und "regime shift" Analysen, Gemeinschaftsanalysen, Modellierung von Zustands-Belastungsbeziehungen Räumlich-zeitliche Analyse von Fischerei Fischereiauswirkungen auf den Meeresboden


Stelzenmüller, V., Rehren, J.,Örey, S., Lemmen, C., Krishna, S., Hasenbein, M., Püts, M., Probst, W.N., Diekmann, R., Scheffran, J., Bos, O.G., Wirtz, K. (accepted). Framing future trajectories of human activities in the German North Sea to inform cumulative effects assessments and marine spatial planning. Journal of Environmental Management 349: 119507

Nielsen, J.R., Vastenhoud, B.J.M., Bossier, S., Møhlenberg, F., Christensen, A., Diekmann, R., Dinesen, G., Eigaard, O.R., Gogina, M., Zettler, M. Darr, A., Bastardie, F. (2023). Impacts of habitat-specific benthic fishing compared to those of short-term induced variability by environmental drivers in a turbulent Baltic Sea environment. Fisheries Research 257: 106514

Núñez-Riboni, I., Costas, G., Diekmann, R., Ulleweit, J., Kloppmann, M. (2023). Reviewing and improving spatiotemporal modeling approaches for mackerel’s total annual egg production. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.


Multiple Stressors on North Sea Life

The sub-project of the University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven "Fisheries in transition" analyses the spatio-temporal distribution of fishing effort in the German Bight with the help of high-resolution satellite data in order to derive the pressures on the seabed and identify so-called "hot-spots" of change.


The goal of the joint WSL project was to establish a Living Lab in Bremerhaven. The Living Lab was to promote social and economic developments in all facets of the regional agricultural and food system, thus creating sustainable and regional food production and supply.


The Transfer Centre for Artificial Intelligence BREMEN.AI supports companies in the introduction of AI technologies and is committed to the coalescence of Bremen's AI scene. As one of the cooperation partners, the University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven contributes to the networking of local players, among other things.